ETF2L is looking for new Staff to recruit! Are you interested in supporting the league? Then click here for more details on what we can offer and how to apply! 


Soldier  Div 2/Div 3 Skill, 6v6

Finland foldbitten

Posted by rarecandy: | Last Online:

Only looking for finnish speaking players. Currently practicing against div 3/2 teams and doing well, that's why we're searching for div 3/2 player! (skillpolice <3)

Eli etsimme mukavaa suomalaista ns. pocket solttua, jolla riittää taidot div 3/2 tasolle. Pelaamme n. 20-22 Suomen aikaan, mutta oletamme että voit joustaa aikataulussa officialeja ajatellen. Tällä hetkellä pelaamme wireplayssa div 2b:ssä, osallistumme etf2l season 9:lle ja luultavasti myös seuraavalle ESL kaudelle. Serverit ja muut herkut löytyy. Sinulta haluamme hyvän asenteen, halua kehittyä ja osallistumista isoimmille laneille.

Quakenetissä tavoittaa #flai kanavalta ja steamissa voipi tulla juttelemaan minulle tai madulle

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View Mid- 3 239
View Mid- 4 342
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View Low+ 1 425
View Low+ 2 439
View Low+ 2 482
View Low+ 0 292


  1. tasKu: e-famous said:

    tasku reporttaa mukava fail tiimi :9

  2. Ramzzi said:

    Madu is the best<3

  3. jukebox: broder said:

    kalakukko, vittu.

  4. huhystah said:


  5. Finn: [:B] said:

    huhy helps people with mice, /q huhy

  6. Poppis: zamn! said:


  7. IronHawk: F! - moog said:

    Hyvä tiimi. Hauskaa pelaa heidä kans =)
    En pysty pelaa ni lähin :(

  8. Dauk said:

    I prob didin’t encounter anything in tf2 that would make me rage like their tactics

  9. rarecandy said:

    ^ :D

  10. IronHawk: F! - moog said:


  11. sieppox said:

    We need a new carrier :3

  12. Finn: [:B] said:


  13. huhystah said:

    /q Finn on quakenet if you got any problems with your mouse/mice

  14. peuranmakkara: [NB] said:

    opisitte sillon hakenu kun mä olin vielä vapailla markkinoilla :D

  15. Frix: LG said:

    madu is awesome

  16. panama: OS! - OS! said:

    Rekrytkää aasialaine superlupaus ja opettakaa sille suomee, helpompaa ku löytää suomalaine solttu tolle tasolle. :D
    But well yea, good luck.

  17. Fantomen: nandos said:

    voi vittu

  18. Finn: [:B] said:

    Fantomen har en Volvo.

  19. JOHNNYJACKAL: .:ne:. - tfortress.no said:

    Not division 2 yet, but could get there within a season or two.

    Polite and nice guys that have given us some good games.

    GL in your search

    PS: sieppox is the uncrowned lobby king

  20. sieppox said:

    “Currently practicing against div 3/2 teams and doing well, that’s why we’re searching for div 3/2 player! (skillpolice <3)" So why would we search lower than div2 sold to our team?

  21. Old_Grandma: OGizzle said:

    back 2 lobby.

  22. biester said:

    good team :)

  23. JOHNNYJACKAL: .:ne:. - tfortress.no said:

    “So why would we search lower than div2 sold to our team?”

    Didnt say you should :)

  24. Ripple said:

    Always a good opponent, eventhough 1 or 2 go mad from what i’ve seen :D

    They can do div 2 (rhyme <3) – give them a try, one of the upcoming teams :)