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MedicSoldier  Div 1 Skill, 6v6

Germany Vladi

Posted: | Last Online:

medic in >=div1
soldier in ~div3

contact via steam. thx.

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:27582643 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Joined TF2 is dead [6v6] Sonny Black
Left AbsolventenMitGeld [6v6] Vladi
Joined AbsolventenMitGeld [6v6] Trine
Left throw sum mo [6v6] Vladi
Joined throw sum mo [6v6] shades
Left Fakku Brigade [6v6] Vladi
Joined Fakku Brigade [6v6] Morphine
Left TF2 is dead [6v6] Vladi
Left Dicht Rasiert und Geschäumt [Highlander] Vladi
Joined TF2 is dead [6v6] Sonny Black
Left HerbsArmy [6v6] Sonny Black
Joined HerbsArmy [6v6] Rasta
Left TF2 is dead [6v6] Vladi
Joined Dicht Rasiert und Geschäumt [Highlander] marKo
Left The Owl Exterminators [Highlander] Vladi
Left Germany [National Highlander Team] schocky
Joined Cannot Hit One Single Pipe [1v1] Vladi
Joined The Owl Exterminators [Highlander] Vladi
Left Owl Exterminators [Highlander] Vladi
Joined Owl Exterminators [Highlander] Vladi
Left Team Stony goes Highlander (und Hoppi) [Highlander] Vladi
Joined Germany [National Highlander Team] Vladi
Joined TF2 is dead [6v6] Vladi
Left redux. Gaming [6v6] Vladi
Joined Team Stony goes Highlander (und Hoppi) [Highlander] Vladi
Left Fullstack of Doom [Highlander] Vladi
Joined redux. Gaming [6v6] seeker
Left smooth criminals [6v6] Vladi
Joined Girls just wanna have fun [6v6 Fun Team] Vladi
Joined RUSSIA MUST END [2v2] Shintaz
Joined smooth criminals [6v6] Poop
Left Aegyo' [6v6] Vladi
Joined Aegyo' [6v6] Mark
Left TF2 is dead [6v6] Vladi
Joined TF2 is dead [6v6] hoppi
Left TF2 is dead [6v6] Vladi
Joined TF2 is dead [6v6] Vladi
Left Ficksahne! [6v6] Vladi
Joined Fullstack of Doom [Highlander] sexy_kroete
Joined Ficksahne! [6v6] sexy_kroete
Left procella [6v6] op
Joined procella [6v6] op
Left Triple A [6v6] Vladi
Joined Triple A [6v6] dave
Left SHIFTplay [6v6] Cooki
Left Auto Aggressive Aiming [KOTH] [6v6 Fun Team] Vladi
Joined SHIFTplay [6v6] nixnuz
Left Triple A [6v6] dave
Joined Auto Aggressive Aiming [KOTH] [6v6 Fun Team] dave
Joined Triple A [6v6] Seraph

Previous Recruitment Posts

View Skill Classes Views Added
View Div 6 5 739
View Div 5/Div 6 6 612
View Div 2 7 563
View Div 2 10 749
View Div 5 13 1128
View Div 1 7 827
View Div 2 2 482
View Div 1/Div 2 11 1083
View Div 6 12 977
View Mid 6 601


  1. bm: said:


  2. FADe said:

    Massive mistake folding, but I guess it’s understandable what with the massive shortage of demos. Vladi’s strength’s are motivation and organisation. Perfect personality for medic, cool, calm and collected and able to get the best out of his players. GL

  3. sweiny: trick17 said:

    moo halt dein ungewaschenes maul bevor du hier irgendwas schreibst.
    vladi is one of the best medics the german community brought up. he should definitely play div2/1.
    your folding makes me a sad panda.
    ausserdem: medfoo ist besser ;)

  4. Buffalo Bill: TDR » - T⑨ said:

    A good Medic and a fun guy. Dunno about his skill level as I haven’t played with him in a long time. Shame to see N6P folding, gl!

  5. Blackout said:

    cool and calm guy , can defo reach div 1 :) wünsch dir viel glück

  6. hoppi: TIDS said:


    much love <3

  7. Kosta: Kot=Brot - FuDoo :> said:

    plague/rampage only tbh

    GL vladus <3

  8. Gubbins said:

    Commited, loving, fun, kind, a great leader, a better friend, an even better medic.

    For any D2/D1 clan: Pick him up, he’ll do wonders, great calls/gamesense, great guy to have around on mumble.

    Good luck Lorenzo! ^_^ x

  9. reCon said:

    Lovely guy, willing to improve, pick him!


  10. rge said:

    since the days I draged him from the deep waters of div5 he developed in no time to a top player in his class.
    calls like a boss and dodges rockets like a rabbit on speed.
    much no-homo-love for my favorit guy in teh internetz.

  11. miz.stony: TIDS - TSGHUH said:

    is halt der boss, klare sache! <3
    top medic, awesome guy!

  12. fex: n2o said:

    good gamesense, get em :)

  13. NuckChorris: TIDS - TSGHUH said:

    just like his brother, superb communication with the team and calls when needed, lots of experience and simply one of the best on the medic position there has been in the german community for a long time.
    probably won´t be the one with the most airshots or kills at the end of the round as a solly, but he surely got potential and will make that up to you with his brain and his gamesense.

  14. medfoo: trick17 said:

    first of all:”medfoo ist besser ;)”…this!

    second: nice and skilled guy, should definitely play top div2 or even div1. gl mate!

  15. baerbel: trick17 - trick17 said:

    mature guy, go get him

  16. wolve: [d¿s] - LEGO said:

    Really nice guy, good luck.

  17. Fantomen: nandos said:

    great guy with really good gamesense.

  18. Vladi: TIDS said:


  19. Poop: TSUN~ - [PG] said:

    good guy