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Soldier  Div 4 Skill, 6v6

European waebi dropped us.

Posted by Orchid: | Last Online:

in return, a chat log from irc!

[14:58] -Q- [#tf.wars] contact/support for #tf.wars under http://play.at.gg
[14:59] <@Orchid`> Waebi
[14:59] <@Orchid`> sorz for trollz
[14:59] <@Orchid`> on etf2l forums
[14:59] <@waebi> wat
[14:59] <@Orchid`> https://etf2l.org/forum/league/topic-2182/page-9/#post-269985
[14:59] <@waebi> fffff
[14:59] <@Orchid`> umad?
[15:00] <@waebi> replied.
[15:01] <@Orchid`> ITS ON NOW BITCH
[15:02] * @Orchid` persuades waebi to eat the cyanide sandwich
[15:02] <@waebi> (((
[15:04] <@Orchid`> random question is random
[15:04] <@Orchid`> would you carry on with the team if i quit?
[15:05] <@Orchid`> shall i slap you again?
[15:05] <@Orchid`> I SHALLL
[15:05] * @Orchid` slaps waebi in the face and yells "I'm Rick James, bitch!"
[15:05] <@waebi> >_>
[15:06] <@Orchid`> answer me nao
[15:06] <@waebi> it's my idea to play season 9 if possible
[15:06] <@waebi> in a team
[15:06] <@waebi> and i dunno if we'd be able to get a team together in that time
[15:06] <@waebi> so i'd prolly prostitute myself and/or just mix
[15:07] <@Orchid`> damn it
[15:08] <@Orchid`> well its just that I`ve gotten too far from my original plan
[15:08] <@Orchid`> you remember?
[15:08] <@Orchid`> i persuaded you to join up with me
[15:08] <@Orchid`> as a scout duo
[15:08] <@Orchid`> to work our way up
[15:08] <@Orchid`> and now what am i playing?
[15:08] <@Orchid`> motherfucking medic?
[15:08] <@Orchid`> srsly.
[15:08] <@Orchid`> and its not like im a cunt whos gonna kick knuck out
[15:09] <@Orchid`> but the team isnt looking too bright right now.
[15:09] <@Orchid`> triobot is never around
[15:09] <@Orchid`> you and knuck dont really work together
[15:09] <@Orchid`> dean is only gonna join if we have sollies
[15:09] <@Orchid`> every solly i ask turns us down
[15:09] <@Orchid`> cus cba to play anymore / got another team / etc
[15:12] <@Orchid`> i guess you are busy
[15:12] <@Orchid`> ill slap you one last time just for fun, might just be the last time i slap you while we are in the same team.
[15:12] * @Orchid` sneezes in waebi's face
[15:13] <@waebi> :D
[15:13] <@waebi> just replied to the Quarantine thread
[15:13] <@waebi> AWW DONT SAY THAT
[15:13] <@waebi> MAKES ME SAD
[15:14] <@Orchid`> might just be so
[15:14] <@Orchid`> cus imma going to work on my scouting from now on
[15:14] <@Orchid`> with you / without you
[15:15] <@Orchid`> if it wont go anywhere, switching to brink full time
[15:15] <@waebi> err
[15:15] <@Orchid`> pub star or comp. if theres such possibilities
[15:15] <@waebi> give rights to cheaters to hack for 50£ per month, anyway they'll never get that money back from league
[15:15] <@waebi> give rights to cheaters to hack for 50£ per month, anyway they'll never get that money back from league
[15:15] <@waebi> give rights to cheaters to hack for 50£ per month, anyway they'll never get that money back from league
[15:15] <@Orchid`> saw it :D
[15:15] <@waebi> give rights to cheaters to hack for 50£ per month, anyway they'll never get that money back from league
[15:15] <@waebi> give rights to cheaters to hack for 50£ per month, anyway they'll never get that money back from league
[15:15] <@waebi> give rights to cheaters to hack for 50£ per month, anyway they'll never get that money back from league
[15:16] <@Orchid`> not the answer i was waiting from you, but works too
[15:16] <@Orchid`> lol
[15:16] <@Orchid`> :D
[15:18] <@Orchid`> what shall i do ?
[15:18] <@Orchid`> rq life?

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  1. Waebi: ‹Con› said:

    Orchid is a cunt, would not buy again, F-

  2. Orchid: |=3 said:

    You are the one who might prostitute, dont talk about buying….. A++

  3. Waebi: ‹Con› said:


  4. Orchid: |=3 said:

    Not the only thing you`re gonna get slashed if u give out like a cheap one.

  5. lolage: TSPAG said:

    go marry each other already

  6. Orchid: |=3 said:

    /…dont be racist, racism is a crime and crime is for niggers…/ waebi

  7. _Ben: ;? said:

    trios being a right nerd atm get him back into tf2 please

  8. Orchid: |=3 said:

    Havent talked to him for ages. Will try

  9. Exteel said:

    Hi, accept me,i added you. Want to be trialled. I haven’t played in etf2l but i had played in WPL 4 DIV