ETF2L is looking for new Staff to recruit! Are you interested in supporting the league? Then click here for more details on what we can offer and how to apply! 


DemomanMedicScoutSoldier  Div 4 Skill, 6v6

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Posted by Spira: | Last Online:

Hey looking to get a active team started. Looking for players who are active and want to go up the divisions. I am 20 and I hope I can get players around that age.

I have a mumble server and will be getting a server soon.
What I'm looking for:
– Just know your positions/roles
– 18+
– Be active
– Have good English
– Being from United Kingdom/Ireland is a huge bonus but unnecessary.
– Contribute to the team; by arranging pcws etc.

Add me on steam for good times. Also sorry for the team name.. will change if necessary.

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  1. konr said:

    Good soldier but he seems like a massive mong sometimes.

  2. konr said:

    Spira, that is.

  3. Spira said:

    Who are you?

  4. konr said:

    Oh look a mongy streak.

  5. Spira said:

    I have no idea who you are, thanks for the bumps though.

    Edited the OP.

  6. mustardoverlord: :) said:

    I’d be interested in applying as demo even though I don’t meet all of the qualifications, as

    A) I am 17

    B) I live in the U.S. (New York, specifically)

  7. mustardoverlord: :) said:


  8. Cooler: 4Queens said:

    why not http://etf2l.org/recruitment/81850/ instead?

  9. Spira said:

    I got a good medic who may be playing on back up. Still looking for players.

  10. Spira said:


  11. Spira said:

    Bump. Everyone who has added me either never replys or can’t play. Need active players.