ETF2L is looking for new Staff to recruit! Are you interested in supporting the league? Then click here for more details on what we can offer and how to apply! 


Soldier  Div 3 Skill, 6v6

European Team Accuracy

Posted by sKaz: | Last Online:

We are new a team that is complexed by division 3 players
Looking for two soldiers mid skilled

We are planning on playing div 2 in season 9 without loosing it and be above mid div 2. But because the lineup is new and is yet tested more then a few times we might have to stick with div 3 in season 9.

you should:
– be active
– mature
– have will to improve
– not rage and not emo after one loss
– have clear comms

We are offering:
– war server
– mumble
– serious guys

if you meet these requirements, contact barEEE or sKaz for a trial

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  1. Erectus: aHn said:

    Awsome bunch of guys, yet built their playing style, so I guess that any mid solly could fit there.
    Don’t lose this opportunity :]

  2. baribur: aHn - 2strong said:

    Great guys, skilled and friendly.
    any div 3 top soldier should try them!
    wish you guys the best!

  3. Retsh0ck: 32erz - 2strong said:

    Ain’t div2 :X
    should do well in div3, good luck! :)

  4. sKaz: KP said:

    and we are capable to be stable div 2 team with a bit practice.
    i’d say in about a week or so we’ll decide our skill level.
    but for now we are doing kind of fine against div 2 skilled teams.

  5. skeej: (ETF2L Donator) - UbeR | - Fe | said:

    GL sKaz!!! Div2 will be hard, but if you find the right players you might be able to do it.

  6. sKaz: KP said:

    bump didibump edit:
    we are also looking for a backup scout because me and sorrow go to our dads 2 days a week (not same days) and so we need a backup scout who will play these days instead of one of us.

  7. MentioN said:

    really nice guys, GL Accuracy :)