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Medic  Div 4/Div 5 Skill, 6v6

Latvia onamons

Posted: | Last Online:

Looking for a team, i guess, somewhere around div5/div4.
Can speak english, i dont rage, at all.
Can play till 22:00 CET.
So just give me a chance :)

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:58268850 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Left 2stronk [6v6] 3dz
Left GamerX [Highlander] onamons
Joined 2stronk [6v6] uuberis
Left The Rent Is Too Damn High [6v6] onamons
Joined GamerX [Highlander] onamons
Joined The Rent Is Too Damn High [6v6] onamons

Previous Recruitment Posts

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View Div 5 6 293


  1. Stranger: 2stronk said:

    Way better then most of the medics stating they’re div4/3

  2. Dangerous Lihs said:

    Varbūt vajadzētu nodirst visiem letiņiem citus letiņus ? Tā tač jautrāk! Nevar jau neierakstīt kkādu huiņu, visi salienam dega super čanela un nodiršam visus, būs ahujena jautri!

  3. Krabs said:


  4. Deg said:


  5. Deg said:

    Nonfriendly bump.

  6. onamons said:


  7. Stranger: 2stronk said:

    Don’t be afraid of his team history ;) he’s played loads of div5 and div4 as medic