ETF2L is looking for new Staff to recruit! Are you interested in supporting the league? Then click here for more details on what we can offer and how to apply! 


Soldier  Div 2 Skill, 6v6

European International Special Force

Posted by ShadowG: | Last Online:

En Taro Tassadar, recruit.

Time for some changes in the px red house. The core of this team has been playing together for over 2 years. We have a friendly and relaxed atmosphere while remaining serious about winning. We aim to establish ourselves as a top div 2 team by the end of ETF2L season 9. We play from Sunday to Thursday starting around 20 CET.

We are looking for a soldier. You should have the gamesense, aim and comms to play at a mid-top div 2 level.

We are looking for someone who:
– is active (at least 4 days a week), dedicated and reliable
– is mature (18+), sociable, friendly and has a good sense of humour
– has top div 3/div 2 experience (at least one completed season)
– has clear English comms without any raging or whining
– is open to feedback and can discuss mistakes in a calm manner

– Add me on Steam (preferred) http://steamcommunity.com/id/shadowgalaxy
– ShadowG in IRC #px-gaming

Team Profile

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View Div 2/Div 3 8 1094
View Div 2 12 640
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View Mid+ 24 2045
View Mid 9 709


  1. JAKKKAL: .:ne:. - tfortress.no said:

    Lovely bunch!

  2. Mike: TEZC said:

    the nicest

  3. evokje: WiK? said:

    moregnan = instawin

  4. Daniel Rumpeslikker: Team Effort - tfortress.no said:

    If he’s not allowed to whine he’s gonna feel very lonely!

  5. Killchain said:

    gl sick team :)

  6. Alfa said:

    awesome team gl!

  7. Moreg: dc. said:


  8. ups said:

    Has Moreg in it, ’nuff said (:

  9. Retsh0ck: 32erz - 2strong said:



  10. JAKKKAL: .:ne:. - tfortress.no said:

    Do you work for the Israeli embassy Ret?

  11. Seduce: CA said:

    nice guys , GLuck

  12. 1mpuls: IsF said:


  13. huhystah said:

    Get mike?

  14. kuma said:

    would join for dimaga

  15. Sebb: IsF said:

    En Taro Tassadar, recuit.

    apply now or: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZCMC4J8wqOw&NR=1

  16. Jude!: notdoggo said:

    moreg is awesome
    he’s like a hippy, but cool
    also good at games

  17. Demourge: EPA said:

    iz nais peoplez, da?

  18. skeej: (ETF2L Donator) - UbeR | - Fe | said:

    da, very nais

  19. n0va: T2P said:

    really nice guys known them forever. theyve progressed far and with a good soldier they can go further.

    gl lads

  20. 1mpuls: IsF said:


  21. Koeitje: AUTOBOTS said:

    The better part of the px gang

  22. Taimou said:

    what koeitje said))

  23. Demourge: EPA said:

    We also want to keep it that way, so Taimou & Koeitje, please avoid this team at all costs ))

  24. SfynX: T2P said:

    Strong overall team, need a good aggresive soldier!

  25. Poop: TSUN~ - [PG] said:

    they have a good scout, guess who

  26. Daniel Rumpeslikker: Team Effort - tfortress.no said:


  27. Moreg: dc. said:

    video bump http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pZaY1jV96jI

  28. Poop: TSUN~ - [PG] said:



  29. Koeitje: AUTOBOTS said:

    Shit Demsii, I already played with them a couple of times. Sorry mate xoxoxo

  30. Demourge: EPA said:

    that’s not joining is it dumbass.. And I’ve never seen you in our mumble, so .. xoxo

  31. Sebb: IsF said:

    Awesome just awesome :3
    one of the greatest couple of guys in the Internet

  32. Vladi: TIDS said:

    i would love to join just because of that greeting.