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HeavyPyroSoldier  Div 1 Skill, 6v6

Belgium ShitFly

Posted: | Last Online:


Looking for a new team, left VYE because of mineral. Other people of vye are nice and sweet but mineral is a teamspirit killer. anyway 'nuff said.

Can play soldier on div 1 level. Heavy i would consider to play, but depends on the offer (and also what is going to be banned and not as heavy). And if the offer is from a highlander team or a fun team, pyro it is!

you can contact me on #tf.wars

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:11158146 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Left vier // red [6v6] Fleischpanzer
Joined vier // red [6v6] op
Left vier // black [6v6] ShitFly
Joined vier // black [6v6] jokern
Left Belgium [National 6v6 Team] Genmix
Left DAKKAgaming.com [6v6] Dr Icecream
Joined DAKKAgaming.com [6v6] ShitFly
Left Blame [6v6] ShitFly
Joined Blame [6v6] ShitFly
Left Team Englian [2v2] ShitFly
Left vye.tf2 [6v6] mineral
Joined vye.tf2 [6v6] mineral
Left Hadouken [6v6] ShitFly
Joined Hadouken [6v6] ShitFly
Left Monster Munch [6v6] Tsu
Joined Monster Munch [6v6] vlad_drac
Left Sod Off [1v1] ShitFly
Left Level Up [6v6] ShitFly
Joined Level Up [6v6] nvc
Left tension [6v6] ShitFly
Joined Sod Off [1v1] ShitFly
Joined tension [6v6] Sabinrenex
Joined Paracocci [Highlander] ThePledge
Left Epsilon eSports [6v6] Slick
Joined Team Englian [2v2] ShitFly
Joined Epsilon eSports [6v6] Slick
Left Hadouken Arena [6v6 Fun Team] ThePledge
Left Hadouken [6v6] ThePledge
Joined Hadouken Arena [6v6 Fun Team] ThePledge
Joined Hadouken [6v6] paixhaine
Left Nervous.tf2 [6v6] ShitFly
Joined Nervous.tf2 [6v6] sc.lofty
Left Hadouken [6v6] ShitFly
Joined Belgium [National 6v6 Team] Epothon
Joined Hadouken [6v6] ShitFly

Previous Recruitment Posts

View Skill Classes Views Added
View Prem/Div 1 1 156
View High- 9 1145


  1. Mike: TEZC said:


  2. crzfst said:

    I am everything but nice and sweet =]

  3. sickless: fnx.simrai said:

    best man

  4. Demourge: EPA said:

    very laid back guy, always friendly, plays a pretty good soldier too! gl dude!

  5. Retsh0ck: 32erz - 2strong said:

    Ain’t prem, div1 soly and a nice guy who’s not effected by a bunch of troll ( mmwhoamitalkingabout ), one of the best solys that are looking for a team atm, gl :)

  6. payard: mLm said:

    ShitFly is a great guy!

  7. Koeitje: AUTOBOTS said:

    Not prem, but very solid div1 soldier. Not the guy that goes in and get 4 picks, but the guy that keeps your medic alive and is there to support your team.

  8. dr icecream said:

    Belgian, reason enough to trial him

  9. Loco: Mayo said:

    shitfly is a really nice guy,
    plays even better when he isnt off his face on weed
    gluck dude :)

  10. ShitFly: Paracoccidioido said:


  11. torden: broder - syster said:

    Lotta people leaving VUE lately. Good luck, bro!

  12. algiosh said:

    good solly with good comms and else, mature guy. good luck

  13. flushy: P.O.P said:

    <3 ye ye minerals a fag :DD

  14. Chris: (0v0) said:

    div1 ezmode