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Spy  Mid- Skill, 6v6

Estonia CortezTheCardenal

Posted: | Last Online:

Hey, My name's Cortez and I used to be a Team-Fortress Freak. Just give me a day or two to warmup and I'll be the spy of your dreams… Or the one you want to choke In Real Life for all those backstabs.

Pyros? Hah. Backburners?

The Pyro update was merely a setback, one day.. Spy's will overtake everything.

Also, about my skill. I chose Mid-, because If I can't warmup. I suck.

If I do happen to warm up, I'm mid+ / – , Sometimes just there are the shits where you backstabb the bloke, and he won't die.

I'm LOOKING FOR an UK or a US team that would recruit me, I've got a mic, I've got headphones, I've got a computer, I've got Steam, I've got MSN, I've got skype, I've got TS 3, Vent.. Bla, Bla, Bla..

So yes, if you're in need of a spy – That's me.

Call me at CortezCardenal ( Skype ) Or.. [email protected] for my MSN.


My steam community name is CortezTheCardenal, look me up and give me a friend invite.

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:47366984 Add Friend

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Joined Myrmidons [Highlander] CortezTheCardenal
Left guinneX.fox [6v6 Fun Team] CortezTheCardenal
Left Leisurely Gentlemen [Highlander] CortezTheCardenal
Joined guinneX.fox [6v6 Fun Team] CortezTheCardenal
Joined Leisurely Gentlemen [Highlander] CortezTheCardenal

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