ETF2L is looking for new Staff to recruit! Are you interested in supporting the league? Then click here for more details on what we can offer and how to apply! 


MedicPyroSniperSoldier  Mid- Skill, 6v6

UnitedStates AbortionShark

Posted: | Last Online:

I just want to play Highlander. I pretty much always have a positive K:D ratio, can hold my own against almost any class, and I pay attention to teammates. I don\'t care if we win, but it\'d be pretty kick ass if we did.

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:32238935 Add Friend

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Left Easy Company, 2nd Battalion [Highlander] GuyFawkes381
Joined Easy Company, 2nd Battalion [Highlander] GuyFawkes381

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  1. Rikes: TFP said:

    A postive K/D doesn’t make you High :/

    try low- since your new and have no experience in competative play.

  2. AbortionShark said:

    I’ve play in scrims and comps a bunch.

  3. Rikes: TFP said:

    Even so high- is for people who are very skilled in the top bunch of people in the world

  4. DeathCake said:

    Im a really good spy and I would be good for your team

  5. GuyFawkes381: Ecompany said:

    Rikes, let the man talk.
    I’m GuyFawkes381, and I am in need of a passable Pyro for my team, Easy Company 2nd Battalion. Let me know what your steam name is and we’ll get you signed up.