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Scout  Low Skill, 6v6

Latvia Panical^

Posted: | Last Online:

Hey, im searching for 6 division team. Im active, and im online every day, from 20:00 till 23:00 (GTM +2). I can speak latvian and english. Ofcourse, if theres no choice i can play solly, but on low- level.

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:64835845 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Left inside Gaming [6v6] DeadpoOl
Joined inside Gaming [6v6] DeadpoOl
Left The Rent Is Too Damn High [6v6] ErMS7
Joined The Rent Is Too Damn High [6v6] Panical^
Left The Rent Is Too Damn High [6v6] ErMS7
Joined The Rent Is Too Damn High [6v6] Panical^
Left Drunk Army [6v6] Panical^
Joined Drunk Army [6v6] KotA Girl
Left unique [6v6] Panical^
Joined unique [6v6] Panical^
Left booooobys [6v6] Panical^
Joined booooobys [6v6] Panical^
Joined GIGN.LV [Highlander] Robs

Previous Recruitment Posts

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View Low 6 221


  1. Panical^ said:

    http://etf2l.org/recruitment/61748/ my yesterday recruitment

  2. Stranger: 2stronk said:

    Panical should probably change the recruitment post to low-(most of the lower skilled latvian community will agree on that).

    I’ve got only bad things to say about this poor guy:

    *he’s something like 13, and has a voice of a little girl.
    *has got some serious network issues (wierd lags all the time).
    *Zero gamesense, tough some what decent aim
    *Don’t belive, that he can solly, he can only scout!

    The only good things would be:

    *He helped me meet ErMS7
    *He’s very dedicated to this game
    *He’s kind of hot :)) – http://www.draugiem.lv/friend/?fid=239181

    Imho he shouldn’t even be trying to play in a clan as of jet (he lacks any sort of skill to do so).

    What he should be doing, is playing a lot of lobbys/dm/ammomod/quake and reading a lot of those useful guides to improve himself and when he has improved he should come back and try entering again.

  3. Deg said:

    Vārbūt Stranger aizveries un ej dirst? Baigi te kādam interesē tavs sūda viedoklis, tik parādi cik liels rītards tu esi.

    About Panical, decent aim, can really grow fast in a good team. Go and test him!

  4. Lihs said:

    He just need to remove his big gun from screen, and use god damnit mic.. Really good aim for hes experience.. And Stranger stop talking bullshit u are same skill level as Panical only u dont have big gun and use mic :P

  5. Stranger: 2stronk said:

    Pamēgjiniet 1vs1 ar vinju :( nez kapēc vienmēr 10 :1 vinju uzvaru, un tas nav atkarīgs no game sensa, bet gan dm spējām, bet jums taisnība priekš pubera pieredzes vinjam aims ir tīri ok

  6. Stranger: 2stronk said:

    Panicalam varu pateikt, ka šeit vinjsh klanu neatradīs- jāiet iekšā forumos 6vs6 recruitment sekcijā un tur jātaisa threads

  7. Panical^ said:

    bump *

  8. Kinyu: popkõrns said:

    stranger, tu esi lohs.

  9. Stranger: 2stronk said:

    ^^ laikam nevajadzēja savu viedokli par nabaga panikalu izteikt, tagd visi mani ienīdīs, kaut gan nevienam no komentētājiem tā īsti ar panikalu nav bijis janjemās(mosh degs ar lihu ir 1 mixu ar vinju izspēlējuši), bet par to labāk nerunāšu citādi man vēl vairāk heiteri saradìsies. Un vispār panikals jau dabuja komadu ;) lai vinjam veicas

  10. Stranger: 2stronk said:


  11. Panical^ said:
