ETF2L is looking for new Staff to recruit! Are you interested in supporting the league? Then click here for more details on what we can offer and how to apply! 


Demoman  Mid Skill, Highlander

Canada Derp Group for Medals

Posted by Jonaissance: | Last Online:

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  1. ShootingDummy said:

    I would like to be a Sniper or Medic in the glory of canada, so we may lead our team to victory.

  2. Scraperz: DG4M said:

    Id like to be the demoman. canada is my country, and ill blow up other people who disagree with it.

  3. ThaWhiteWulf: play on sundays said:

    In need of a Pyro? I live in the US but fairly close to Canada. I could be a back-up if needed.

  4. ThaWhiteWulf: play on sundays said:

    Also. GO CANADA! :D

  5. hurrycanne699 said:

    No more place for an engineer or a medic?
    For a Canadian fellas?

  6. ShootingDummy said:

    If any canadiens want to join a Team I’m thinking about making a team. Stay in touch ;)

  7. hurrycanne699 said:

    I play engie my steam ID:

  8. SuperSpecialAwesome: [BTeam] said:

    Michigan is close to canada. I’ll play anything if you let me.

  9. gawdoflmao: gfdfgfdg3 said:

    Full now sorry

  10. gawdoflmao: gfdfgfdg3 said:

    We’re full guys

  11. Mr.2: COPs - ~|WOL|~ said:

    I also live in Canada and I play Spy