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Scout  Low Skill, 6v6

Canada meh

Posted: | Last Online:

don't let my Canadian flag fool you, i've been living in the UK for a few years now, so i will ping as well as everyone else to european servers.

I'm available from 20:00cet, sometimes a little earlier, on almost every day, but we can discuss times and other things like that if your interested in me.

I've been watching my flatmate play TF2 and got into it myself and so now I'm looking for a TF2 clan to join which is either Low or Low-, and i'm interested in playing scout. I'm a little new but i know alot of tricks and my dming skills are alright as well. I can also call to a fairly decent standard for a n00b.

i've got mumble and all that other stuff needed, and if i don't, i can get it.

I want to join a team thats joining this next season of ETF2L, so i would prefer no new teams, somewhere thats stable and i can learn my trade, but having said that, i don't mind joining a new team thats looking for one or two new people. No teams where i'm the first member though please.

add me on steam and we'll talk. or post on here and i'll add u

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:658916017 Add Friend

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Left CiC Nova [6v6] Nagash
Joined CiC Nova [6v6] meh

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  1. Myke: TEZC said:

    sounds legit :p

  2. n00ne said:

    Good luck, you hoser

  3. UaLL said:

    flag doesn’t say nationality or country you play in, so i put my nationality and can’t change it so people can test me out to see my ping, or not, but hopefully they will

  4. Demourge: EPA said:

    You might wanna consider setting up your steam profile s people can actually add you :P