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MedicSoldier  Mid Skill, 6v6

Sweden Nomble

Posted: | Last Online:

23 years old, weekend-warrior. Playing both medic and soldier, because that's how I roll =) Not as hardcore as I used to be as I tend to work late evenings but I'm free to play most of the week. Looking for a medium-skilled team who use voice-comm, speaks swedish or english. I have common sense and manners, and I expect you to have the same =)

See you on the beach.

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:10787500 Add Friend

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  1. Nathanson: [Ω] said:

    I dont mean to be negative, but you have no clan history and your steam account shows less than 100 hrs total tf2. So if you haven’t changed etf2l account (by it’s own fact a break of rules), I’m wondering how you can class yourself as mid both with medic and soldier?

  2. Buffalo Bill: TDR » - T⑨ said:

    Hours played doesn’t mean anything since they added the ability to wipe stats. :)

    That said, Mid is probably a little too high for someone without competitive experience.

  3. Sneis said:

    weqo have about 100 hours or less but he still rocks :P

  4. Nomble said:

    TF2 is not the only teamstrategy game I played.

  5. vaxjo: Hey dats! said:

    where is nombliz

  6. Squide: keso said:

    Eftersom du verkar vara ny till TF2 :) Välkommen!
    Jag föreslår att du spelar lite pickups på http://www.tf2lobby.com är du kan bli introducerad till TF2-Matchspel :)
    GL HF

  7. Sneis said:

    föreslår du kör igång scanpickup igen :P saknar er allihopa :(

  8. ToRn: KÅT - SpA|com said:

    Ser ut som att vi kommer behöva förstärkning under sommaren! Kan försöka fixa en try, aja lättare att snacka på steam – addar :)