ETF2L is looking for new Staff to recruit! Are you interested in supporting the league? Then click here for more details on what we can offer and how to apply! 


Soldier  Mid Skill, 6v6

European Monkey-Gamers

Posted by dauk: | Last Online:

due our solly going inactive a bit we need a solly that can be able to play at div4/3. If you\'ll be asking about our poor place in this season it is becouse of lack of training due some of ours comming exams. I also added mid not mid- so no div6 guys would add me for trials. No clanhoopers ,idiots or other animals.

*You should be aviable sun-thur from 20 cet. At;least most of these days.

best way to cantact is #monkeygamers Dauuk or add me on steam , but I pref IRC.

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View Open/Mid 6 481
View Div 5/Div 6 8 828
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View Mid- 1 223
View Mid 18 872


  1. SirRemix: frø - DANMARK said:

    “other animals” :DD

    Nice guys, Dauk is pro

  2. matOo said:

    a guy that is hardly above div5 as never shuts up during game, plusa clan hooper are making a mid team and wonders why noone applies ,it can be seen for each 6 hour bumps. get real guys ull get ’same mid players’ as you are. waste of time.

  3. Blorg said:

    a guy that is hardly above div5 as never shuts up during game, plusa clan hooper are making a mid team and wonders why noone applies ,it can be seen for each 6 hour bumps. get real guys ull get ’same mid players’ as you are. waste of time.

  4. Dauk said:

    ty for quoting me about ur recruit mage :)

  5. matOo said:

    np m8 gl finding div5 players

  6. ups said:

    These guys are pretty awesome to be honest. With a good soldier they should be able to do a great number of things: reach top of their div next season, defeat chuck norris and find a cure for the cancer. Reaching top of the div is their highest priority though.
    Good luck to you guys!

    P.S.: nice comeback to Blorg, Dauk, bravo :)

  7. HTE: -[MG]- - HL said:

    Matoo/Blorg, you’re building your own team and kudos to you. Now please concentrate on that as to be honest you’re embarrassing yourselves at the moment.

  8. Buffalo Bill: TDR » - T⑨ said:

    Though I agree with you on them having to leave MG// alone, HTE, You have to admit Dauk kinda asked for it with his comment on them. :p

    Great guys, deserve a good Soldier!

  9. Dante said:

    merced alot for those guys and they are really awesome :)

  10. daithi1: BACΩN | - бекон said:

    Dauk…clanhopper hmmmmmmmm good call their guys. Since I’m retarded and I’m going to learn French they need you. Anyway you have me to backup on Sundays and Tuesdays and lecture you on puffins or something. Or more likely just argue wih klu about sidcars… Anyway join now NOW I SAY.

  11. r7an: -9w- said:

    Dauk was correct with his comment though.

    MG are extremely solid, gl lads.

  12. haze: is good! said:

    Really great guys! Always fun to play against them :D

    If I could, I would join you guys!

    big thumbs up =)

  13. DouGie: CotC said:

    MG are awesome guys. gl :)

  14. Paging Dr Lupus said:

    Blorg and matOo please continue to make yourselves look like idiots.

  15. Paging Dr Lupus said:

    Also, GL in your search. Great guys and deserve a good soldier.

  16. WildCard said:

    Great community team, anyone looking for friendly/skilled atmosphere should trial for them.

  17. sh1z said:

    hello are u still looking for soldier ?

  18. Dauk said:

    we didin’t have started to trial any of our trialist , will be doing it from tomorrow , so possibly yes.

  19. Dauk said:

    are able to take few more guys for trials.

  20. Blorg said:

    Sorry about the bad comments.
    Good luck in your search

  21. craSsh said:

    Srlsy You guyz are not mid skilled , you lose on pcw with low+ team . BTW GL in search