ETF2L is looking for new Staff to recruit! Are you interested in supporting the league? Then click here for more details on what we can offer and how to apply! 


Scout  High Skill, 6v6

Sweden wltrs

Posted: | Last Online:

find me on irc #etf2l

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:30254675 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Left Sweden [National 6v6 Team] alle
Joined Danger Gummi Bears [Highlander] .kr4tos
Joined Animate [6v6] Fragm3nt3d
Left Se7en [6v6] wltrs
Left Stacked [Highlander] b33p
Joined Stacked [Highlander] b33p
Joined Se7en [6v6] kaidus
Left coolclan [6v6] wltrs
Joined coolclan [6v6] Admirable
Left Fenneks eSports by SimRai.com [season 18 [6v6] wltrs
Left Sweden [National Highlander Team] nijoonen
Joined Fenneks eSports by SimRai.com [season 18 [6v6] skeej
Left Dotter [6v6] wltrs
Joined Dotter [6v6] Zebbosai
Left Revoluzion la metagame [6v6] wltrs
Left #DEATHRUSSIAN ENTERPRISE [Highlander] wltrs
Left coolclan [2v2] wltrs
Joined #DEATHRUSSIAN ENTERPRISE [Highlander] nijoonen
Left coolclan [6v6 Fun Team] wltrs
Left CWCLAN-Community [Highlander] wltrs
Joined Revoluzion la metagame [6v6] wltrs
Left Epsilon eSports [6v6] wltrs
Joined CWCLAN-Community [Highlander] wltrs
Joined Sweden [National Highlander Team] wltrs
Left euro destroyers [Highlander] wltrs
Joined euro destroyers [Highlander] m4risa
Left syster [Highlander] wltrs
Joined syster [Highlander] Zebbosai
Joined Epsilon eSports [6v6] wltrs
Left Yoyotech [6v6] wltrs
Joined Yoyotech [6v6] SuperFly-
Left broder [6v6] wltrs
Joined broder [6v6] torden
Left WeMadeFux [6v6] wltrs
Joined WeMadeFux [6v6] numlocked
Left Interrobang [6v6] wltrs
Joined Interrobang [6v6] wltrs
Left coolclan [6v6] vaxjo
Joined coolclan [6v6] wltrs
Left Interrobang [6v6] wltrs
Joined Interrobang [6v6] Moose
Left coolclan [6v6] wltrs
Joined Sweden [National 6v6 Team] weqo
Left coolmix [LAN Team] vaxjo
Joined coolmix [LAN Team] cubeth
Joined coolclan [6v6 Fun Team] vaxjo
Joined coolclan [2v2] vaxjo
Joined wltrs [1v1] wltrs
Joined coolclan [6v6] vaxjo

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  1. Koeitje: AUTOBOTS said:

    Hmm troubles in www (or whatever the fuck they are called).

    Anyways: wltrs is a beast.

  2. suni: [j]\\\' said:

    Will finnish this season, then its FFA. :)

  3. kuma said:

    finnish was intended?

  4. suni: [j]\\\' said:

    Yes :]

  5. Evil said:

    Loves game face

  6. Bash said:


    You know he rapes face, better pick him up before someone else does.

  7. växjö: Hey dats! said:

    only on #etf2l ???

  8. dugi said:

    he’s terrible.


  9. maloi said:

    verry good player gl man 8)

  10. växjö: Hey dats! said:

    But really, wltrs is pretty cute and a great player.

  11. cami: LDLC.com said:

    terrible scout and sniper :) gl m8

  12. Knolly: vs said:

    if youre new to competitive tf2 plz put low/- xD

  13. Patriarch said:

    wltrs is the bomb. C’mon, you gotta snap him up!

  14. Admirable: (Toucan Ambassador) said:

    Lives in a bubble and hates black people.