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ScoutSoldier  Low+ Skill, 6v6

Poland Dummy

Posted: | Last Online:

low+/mid- i guess, can do low/low+ if you're a stable clan.
im maining soldier and recently started to be a scout for my 2nd, pretty decent at both.
/prefers roaming soldier
can play friday-sunday, and occasionally during the week though usually without a mic nor sound.
can provide a 15 man server with all the custom maps (PLUS ACHIEVEMENTIDLEYAY) and etf2l config.
can speak fluent english. i currently live in belgium.
things i expect;
mumble, stable (most important, this one) and more than a pcw a week.
thats it folks

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:8100830 Add Friend

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Joined impakt [6v6] wgl
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Joined Quality Control. [6v6] SmAsH
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Joined La Girafe [6v6] SmoKe
Left DAKKAgaming.com [6v6] Dummy
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Left Easy Going [6v6] Dummy
Joined Easy Going [6v6] Dummy
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Joined Perfection [6v6] Furi0us
Left Perfection [6v6] Furi0us
Joined Perfection [6v6] Furi0us

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  1. Furi0us said:

    DIV4 SHITNERDZ GRAB DIS CUNT NOW. stable div4 solly/scoot, can give you a laugh, has a gay/funny voice which is awesome, amazing comms, can do the main call thing in the team if youre nice to him and obey his orders. moans and groans, says “fuck” like FAAK. doesnt like children, russians, ppl with shitty mics. uhm what else… well, always up for a match, even if its 4am in the morning, even if youre div6. i guess he doesnt mind what skill level you are, he only needs a stable team and a lot of manlove. YEA ESPECIALLY THE MANLOVE, WITH IT HE’LL ONLY 6MAN ON MID.


  2. ED said:

    << AGREE.

  3. stwn said:

    ._. you had mention my manlove

  4. stwn said:

    well said ED, way to go :P

  5. Mortal: #YOLO - swimp said:

    [Insert quote of everything Furi0us just said here]

  6. Furi0us said:


  7. stwn said:

    yeah, spam ftw.

  8. BadGuy: LTG. said:

    Pretty reliable Div 5 maybe 4 soldier, played quite a few mixes/pugs with him. A decent guy overall… Deserves a decent stable clan

  9. Starkie: ulti? - sniper said:

    He’s a great scout and solly, good comms, and once you get to know him he’s slightly less of a dick than he normally is (:P). He can rage if things go wrong, but other than that he’s perfect.
    A minor sidenote though. He won’t play with you if you’re one of the following:
    Have a bad mic

  10. Woozie: LG said:

    Uhh me and this noob go waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay back so I must say you will laugh at him and his voice as the other said he doesnt like Childer with kiddie voice so dont even come near if your russian accent guy and is gay and has funny fagy voice. Well akhem sometimes he does rage especially when medics are bad or if there is no teamplay in match. But on the other hand hes a nice guy that needs a team that will understand his needs and where he can sharpen his mad skills as scout demo and soldier. Easiliy make it to 4 div as solly or scout 5 as demo and that is probably it.

    So what I think: Take this fag and he will show you the way of the force in tf2:D gl Noob


  11. Yidd said:

    I’ve mixed with him for a long while now, probably at least 6 months. I’d say he’s best as roaming soldier in either Div 4 or 5. Communication is good, though he does tend to rage when things go wrong. Other than that, he’s patient and seems to understand the game well.

    Give him a tryout.

  12. Kryzen said:

    Decent Skilled guy.
    Low Div4 at best.
    Can spam comms sometimes.
    Prone to rage if anything doesn’t go his way.
    Likes to tell others if they make a mistake in a very agressive way.
    Doesn’t like getting told if he makes a mistake.
    Always looking for matches and eager to play.

  13. Morty: RG said:

    no need big wall-o-texts like these guys ^

    this guy can airshot and airstrafe.
    sick soldier, div4 with no probs.
    gl mate <3

  14. Cheez said:

    Good soldier, should do div4/5 easy. Got a sexy voice aswell ;)

  15. Entire: EPA - ciortai said:

    Agree good soldier should fit in div 4 easy tho the bastard rages some times but who dosent? any way hes fun to have around can make the entire team laugh soo never a dull moment what else dunt like russians well thats about it. TAKE HIM NAO hes worth it

  16. Kamikaze667 said:

    good soldier.

  17. Herman said:

    yes indeed you can play low+/mid-. You’re a good player and a nice guy and every clan should be happy to get you. The only thing is that you maybe nag a bit on fails etc but just stop with that and go on dude, you’re gonna go far :D

  18. Destrutor said:

    Good Skill
    Rages a lot
