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HeavyScoutSniper  Low+ Skill, 6v6

Lithuania algiosh

Posted: | Last Online:

Hello, I\'am looking for div6 team, im 16 year\'s old.
*No rage
*English comms
*Polish comms
*Russian comms
*Lithuanian comms
*Have microphone
*I can use mumble,ts,vt
*Have not bad experience with scout in competetive
*If team need\'s a heavy or a sniper in a mix,pcw i can play.
*Active 5-8 hours per day.
*Sorry but i dont have a sense of humour :)
*Sometime i like to speak alot, about everything with friends or clan members <— If they are good friends online.
*Through practise clan war or mix i talk about game .
*I dont like flamers,troll\'ys and ragers so i can\'t be in a clan with them.
*What i need from clan its, active players,and regulary 3-5 pcw per day.
*I want to play with happy,friendly people, and do better my tf2 skill and english comms.
*If i do something really bad i want to listen your advice, but better if you send for me private message with advice, i\'ll read and learn :)
*I expect from you is an active clan thats not full of 12 year olds.
Thanks if you read this post.(My english skills is not best sorry)

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:41817285 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Left Ray's team [6v6] algiosh
Joined Ray's team [6v6] algiosh
Left Name undecided [6v6] algiosh
Joined Name undecided [6v6] Fodi
Left HybridWolf [1v1] algiosh
Left don`t Care [6v6] algiosh
Joined don`t Care [6v6] algiosh
Left Winning is everything [6v6] algiosh
Joined Winning is everything [6v6] uuberis
Joined HybridWolf [1v1] algiosh
Left HybridWolfs [1v1] algiosh
Joined HybridWolfs [1v1] algiosh
Left HybridWolfs [1v1] algiosh
Joined HybridWolfs [1v1] algiosh
Left Independence [6v6] algiosh
Joined Independence [6v6] algiosh
Left Team Vay [6v6] algiosh
Joined Team Vay [6v6] Stereofunk!
Left Team Seven Gamers [6v6] algiosh
Joined Team Seven Gamers [6v6] elmstJP
Left FaQ [6v6] algiosh
Joined FaQ [6v6] Rabb1T
Left can we do? - no. [2v2] algiosh
Left Way To Success [6v6] NextSound
Joined Way To Success [6v6] NextSound
Joined can we do? - no. [2v2] NextSound
Left Tuer [6v6] algiosh
Joined Tuer [6v6] algiosh

Previous Recruitment Posts

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View Mid 3 195
View Mid 46 1345
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View Mid- 0 104
View Mid- 14 605
View Mid- 1 137
View Mid- 30 993
View Low+ 6 175
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View Low+ 0 52
View Low+ 0 111


  1. Chris: (0v0) said:

    very immature when i played with him on pu1, micspammed a ton and did not stop when asked by everyone in the team.

    he clearly doesn’t want people knowing this fact about him, which is why he closed his last recruitment post and didn’t respond to it at all.

  2. Sovereign. said:

    not a bad guy ,guys take him while hes free

  3. algiosh4 said:

    I,ll find clan so i closed my last recruitment post but leader of that lithuanian clan thing about eu clan so i back and type new recruitment post, medic dont heal me in pu1 when i played with solly and give them some advice’s so i talk to much. Sorry if you thought badly. :)

  4. Edgajado said:

    Good scout, 6 div clearly. Maybe even 5 div.

  5. Chris: (0v0) said:

    medic dont heal me in pu1 when i played with solly and give them some advice’s so i talk to much.

    that’s not true, you were micspamming from the moment you entered the channel. I autorecord all vent conversation and I have a log of that pug if you really want to bluff it, or you can just admit it.

  6. huhystah said:

    He’s good.

  7. caneD: MEAT - LEGO said:

    Chris, you can know everything there is to know about computers but it won’t stop you accidentally typing into a quote ololololol9

    algiosh would do well in high div6 & is probly a cool guy 90% of the time,, but the mic spam story is true :(

  8. TalismaN^ said:

    mic spamm.. no matter! he plays really good.. fit for 6th or even 5th div

  9. ups said:

    Not sure about his skill, but this guy is very immature. Trust me on this-one.

    If you build your gameplay around the “having fun” aspect of the game and not the actual teamwork, then you might profit from getting him into your team.

  10. algiosh4 said:

    Thanks so much ups, ^^ but you dont know who i’am, in normally match pcw,mix i play with no emotions.I just wanna say for you before or after match i can joke and maybe dont like some people’s how im joking but in gameplay i’m talking only about gameplay and anything else!

  11. Chris: (0v0) said:

    No, you were micspamming ALL THROUGH the game, despite people telling you to stop. You were, and are, incredibly immature.

    If you want your clan’s reputation to be tarnished by a micspammer, sign this guy up!