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Demoman  Mid Skill, 6v6

UnitedKingdom randa

Posted: | Last Online:

Looking for a high div4 team with potential or a div3 team who are a nice bunch not emo retards.


non-rager – i have my exceptions


established, wont join a new team unless the offers good
in etf2l

add me on steam for more info

that is all.

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:18026 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Left le leglesslegolegolas xD [Highlander] skeej
Left Epsilon eSports [6v6] Slick
Joined ~All that SWAG~ [2v2] mineral
Left ~All that SWAG~ [2v2] mineral
Joined ~All that SWAG~ [2v2] mineral
Joined le leglesslegolegolas xD [Highlander] skeej
Joined Epsilon eSports [6v6] Slick
Left smooth criminals [6v6] Poop
Left VYE bball [2v2] randa
Joined smooth criminals [6v6] _Ben
Left Mister [6v6] longas
Joined Mister [6v6] longas
Left vye.tf2 [6v6] dvb
Joined vye.tf2 [6v6] Wlkr
Left vye.tf2 [6v6] randa
Joined vye.tf2 [6v6] AnimaL
Left moving out [6v6] AnimaL
Joined moving out [6v6] mineral
Left n0va low- medic in div1 [6v6] randa
Joined n0va low- medic in div1 [6v6] Edd
Left n0va low- medic in div1 [6v6] Edd
Joined VYE bball [2v2] randa
Joined n0va low- medic in div1 [6v6] howdeh
Left LagTastic Gaming [6v6] randa
Joined LagTastic Gaming [6v6] blorg
Left MM2 Team [6v6] randa
Joined MM2 Team [6v6] MM2_SebWalrus

Previous Recruitment Posts

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View Prem 24 2593
View Prem 38 1469
View Prem/Div 1 51 2449
View Mid 34 1298
View Mid 57 2291


  1. Chris: (0v0) said:

    To be honest not played with you much, would have thought of you more as mid- but my playtime with you has been brief enough that I would certainly defer to you rather than me for judgment on skill level.

    Nice guy. :)

  2. LoteR said:

    Really amazing demo and just friendly and funny guy. Grab him now! Gl randaaaa, ur still uberlow- mate ;)))

  3. Chris: (0v0) said:

    Oh wait, never mind, ignore my last comment. I’ve only seen him play scout so the skill level comment is irrelevant.

    He has a nice arse.

  4. randa said:

    haha chris :P

  5. benjA: Perilous - WUL said:

    good player
    would probably do better in a team higher than hes asking for as hes a quick learner
    doesnt rage and has potential
    gl samuel

  6. benjA: Perilous - WUL said:

    btw, does rhys have a notepad for tf2 too?

  7. randa said:

    Oh and before anyone mentions lagtastic i joined them to help them out as they needed someone who could lead ingame and show them some strats etc.

  8. lolage: TSPAG said:

    hes too vain but a good demo i guess :p


  9. randa said:

    vanity is my curse lolage :( and thanks guys xx

  10. looski: Sf said:

    Good demo, aggressive and tactical, would fit into any div4 team without a pikachu.

    gl mate :)

  11. Hildreth: Pander - Pander said:

    “non-emo” :D

    But he is a seriously good demo and could play Div 3, I’d snap him up in your team any day of the week.

  12. RareSpycrab said:

    Very good demo and a pretty good scout. Also your lucky if you get him to lan because he has a very strokable moisturised face :D can provide pictures if needed :D

  13. blorgalicious said:

    I was expecting to see him carry LTG in Div 6L.. Oh well

    Anyways, he’s fucking sick. Such a laugh in mumble, and is the fastest learner I’ve ever seen. Honest to god, he’s a top div 3 demo, and a low div 3 scout. Such a nice guy aswell, really helpful and just generally a nice guy. I’ve known him for ever, and he would be such a nice addition to any good div 3 clan :)

    ps wollie says your gay :D <3

  14. caneD: MEAT - LEGO said:

    totally lied about the non-raging part, he ALWAYS rages :D

    decent demo nevertheless

  15. n0va: T2P said:

    ugly as fuck

  16. Dny: T2P said:

    AMAZING SKIN! no idea about skill, gl :)

  17. randa said:

    lol dny and n0va, can also attend i39 so dny you may get to see my ‘amazing skin’

    i am aware your being sarcastic :P

  18. EzuR: TCN | said:

    he is so sick with He and flashbangs, havent seen him playing tf2 lately, but guess he has to be ok with pipes aswell.
    played with randa back in mm2, and he was a great asset to the team, both when we played div.4 and 3. good alrounder, but demo was by far the best class to use him at. good aim, ok prediction, good game sense, like most multiclasser.

  19. benjA: Perilous - WUL said:

    has no smoke. at all.

  20. Mike: TEZC said:

    Try Team Stinson

  21. randa said:

    I have a trial for those already, need to see if theres anyone else :S

  22. blorgalicious said:

    He showed me a picture of him pouting on a beach, I showed him a picture of a pig’s arse and told him to spot the difference.

  23. randa said:

    blorg gtfo you quit tf2.

  24. ZeyOrk said:

    Where is the skill-police ffs! -mid on a good day(on a really good day)

  25. blorgalicious said:


    ZO, he’s really not.

  26. randa said:

    zeyork who are you ? ive never played with you please dont troll my thread with useless dribble.


  27. randa said:


    90% sure what team im joining just a last check to see whats out there xx