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ScoutSniper  Low+ Skill, 6v6

Israel SneakyFox-

Posted: | Last Online:

hello im sneakyfox im 13 years old and i play scout.my skill is low,low+ and i search for div 6 or div 5 clan.i want team for play at 17-21. i have vent and mumble
i will be more than happy to get trial

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:50152308 Add Friend

Team History

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Left Team my life [2v2] SneakyFox-
Joined Team my life [2v2] SneakyFox-
Left In HaX We Trust [6v6] SneakyFox-
Joined In HaX We Trust [6v6] SneakyFox-
Left In HaX We Trust [6v6] Spikes
Joined In HaX We Trust [6v6] SneakyFox-
Left iNgrediants [6v6] SneakyFox-
Joined iNgrediants [6v6] GreeniaK
Left overMouse// [6v6] SneakyFox-
Joined overMouse// [6v6] SneakyFox-
Left overMouse// [6v6] SneakyFox-
Joined overMouse// [6v6] SneakyFox-
Left Licensed to bonk! [6v6] SneakyFox-
Joined Licensed to bonk! [6v6] SneakyFox-
Left Hnunzors [6v6] SneakyFox-
Joined Hnunzors [6v6] SneakyFox-
Left eNigmatic(majestic) [6v6] reef
Joined eNigmatic(majestic) [6v6] SneakyFox-
Left QuickTime [6v6] Settings
Joined QuickTime [6v6] Settings

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View Low 2 191


  1. Terminator said:

    if u are low+ im an egg

  2. ChiBuRaShKa: Inqui said:


  3. Seduce: CA said:

    Gl on finding a clan, if you take this guy and improve him he can get far.

  4. SneakyFox- said:

    terminator sorry to tell u you are an egg

  5. Furi0us said:

    lolol some nerdfight going on :D

  6. Flush: P.O.P said:

    really quite immature, would question him being ready for a clan and wouldnt recommend tbh but best of luck anyway : ) moral of the story is, be careful how u behave on pickups because ppl remember stuff, unfortunately they mostly remember the ppl who act like 13 year olds oh wait…

  7. CapitainCrazy: \\/ier ° - -[MG-C]- said:


  8. SneakyFox- said:

    tx if you so much want ill change to low :P