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DemomanSoldier  Mid- Skill, 6v6

Ireland troot

Posted: | Last Online:

18 y/o from Dublin.Looking for a decent, resonably active team.
Catch me on #mixmercs on quakenet or just add me on steam.

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:10209365 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Left Ireland [National 6v6 Team] Crayon
Left Ireland [National Highlander Team] b33p
Joined 9 Men [6v6] Wux
Left Please Shoot the Medic [6v6] troot
Joined Ireland [National Highlander Team] troot
Left Ireland [National Highlander Team] b33p
Joined Ireland [National Highlander Team] troot
Joined Please Shoot the Medic [6v6] Cercia
Left SMACK! [6v6] troot
Joined Don't Shoot the Spoonicorn [Highlander] Cercia
Left Don't Shoot the Spoonicorn [Highlander] animalmother
Joined SMACK! [6v6] Si^
Left Cream of the Crop [6v6] troot
Joined Cream of the Crop [6v6] dougiie
Left Dont Shoot the Medic [6v6] troot
Joined Don't Shoot the Spoonicorn [Highlander] t1gr3
Joined Dont Shoot the Medic [6v6] davesan
Left Rest in peace, gentle Jedis. [6v6] troot
Joined hats & cats [2v2] troot
Joined Rest in peace, gentle Jedis. [6v6] Abunai
Left The Last Resort [6v6] dead account
Joined The Last Resort [6v6] Snez
Left Team Vertex - Retired Edition [6v6] troot
Joined Ireland [National 6v6 Team] Admirable
Joined Team Vertex - Retired Edition [6v6] d2m
Joined Danny Dyer's Chocolate Homunculus [1v1] troot
Left Clan 601 [6v6] Bubbles1
Joined Clan 601 [6v6] chocolatE :>

Previous Recruitment Posts

View Skill Classes Views Added
View Div 2 9 498
View Low+ 4 393


  1. djshrew said:

    Great guy. How no one else has posted is beyond me, easily fit a div 4 team.
    Good gamesense, aim and comms. Just hope he is not still useing Wifi for his own sanity.

  2. D2M: vertex » - derptex9 said:

    Fantastic player, underrated as Div4. Could play Div3 demo imho. <3 him

  3. Vanilla Slice: ;? - ¤_¤ said:

    Definately could/should play div 3 as demo. Seriously, he’s great just recruit him already.

  4. Irish Legend said:

    Ye im looking for a team i can be demo or solly and im from laois so il add you and get back to me.