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SniperSoldier  Mid- Skill, 6v6

Lithuania exm

Posted: | Last Online:


After great season with pB (gg guys!!!) I'm for sale again :)

Some info about me:
*Main class’: Soldier (duh…) and sniper as secondary.
*Age: 17 (I’d like to say mature, but I dont want to lie o.O)
*Comms: English, Lithuanian
*I can execute calls with ease
*Availability: Sunday-Thursday 20-23CET (with a usual exception of tuesday)
*Experience: Phail (division 5F), Powered By (division 5C) and tons of div3-div5 matches/mixes

I expect a team that:
*Has vent/mumble (mumble ftw!)
*Has a server (not a must… but you know)
*Is in div4/5 and would like to improve (tbh I dont care about division as long as I have fun playing with ya ;))
*If you have an amazing caller, contact me even if you’re div9
*No more NEW teams, please!
*Plays ATLEAST 4 times per week
*Knows what a watch is (had some problem with this one in Phail :D), and hopefully doesn't play Dragon Age and CoD6(!!!).

I would also like to note, that I like playing pocket solly, but I can play aggro pretty good too.

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:39237850 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Left Insane Dynamite Monk3ys [6v6] exm
Left Lithuania [National 6v6 Team] Pacas
Joined Insane Dynamite Monk3ys [6v6] Kokojambo
Left Insane Dynamite Monk3ys [6v6] spade
Joined Insane Dynamite Monk3ys [6v6] exm
Left The Postal Service [6v6] exm
Joined The Postal Service [6v6] exm
Joined Lithuania [National 6v6 Team] Extremer
Left Team Phail [6v6] exm
Joined Team Phail [6v6] ShellShock
Left Team Phail [6v6] ShellShock
Joined Marksmanship [1v1] exm
Joined Team Phail [6v6] ShellShock

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  1. huhystah said:

    Awesome guy, good luck

  2. Dauk said:

    očėn good solly

  3. Bucket: cc//(o.o)>~~ - cc// said:

    will add you when i get back from uni :)

  4. Gaz: TPS said:

    Dont know where to start. hes an amazing pocket solly and when needed a good aggresive soldier either. not to mention hes insane sniper shots. hes also a realy great guy to have a talk and a laugh with a good amount of gamesense.
    definetly a keeper. good luck.

  5. Gaz: TPS said:

    And I forgot to mention that I love your little foreign ass <3

  6. PlumbEd: Tplay said:

    Great solly, gl in your search

  7. Zeks: T. said:

    Good solly, good sniper
    And is esriously an awesome guy
    Gets the Zeks’ seal of approval (Y)

  8. rayMears.: Vuze. - T. said:

    wooop exm is epic full stop. pick him up quick sharp.

  9. Private Gomer Pyle said:

    The guy isnt mid- but MID ! An insane sniper imo, even better then he is a solly. But still……. EXM RAPES YOUNG KIDS WITH HIS ROCKET LAUNCHER ! ( mid air penetration ). You really want this guy… Lots of experience, sick aim and control so he is able to execute every tactic you want him 2. Out of all the Lithuanian people I spoke, this one got the best comms… GET HIM NOAW!

  10. Peckin said:

    Private Gomer Pyle I accept!! He is mid, not mid-!!
    Good luck exm!!!

  11. evokje: WiK? said:

    Wooooooooooooooooo exm!

  12. exm said:

    wow, I thought this shit is dead :D Thanks for bump there, peckin.

    Also, I said I’d like a team which doesn’t play MW2… God damn, I got it for chirstmas and now I can’t stop playing :< Anyways, still open for trials :)

  13. UPS said:

    And remember – there are no smoke/flash granades in tf2.

  14. exm said:

    Of course there are! You just need to raise your level to unlock them :D

  15. rayMears.: Vuze. - T. said:

    whaT! how are you not in a clan already, exm is immense! don’t miss this chance peoples! epic sniper as well

  16. Dante said:

    Great player, great comms, amazing sniper aim u surely underating yourrself. Your mid level for sure. Take this guy.

  17. exm said:

    high, mid, low… I dont really care now, I just want to play this shit with people and have fun. Of course, playing with someone who doesn’t know some simple tactics isn’t fun, but whatever.

    And thanks for comments guys, really aprecciate it :)

  18. huhystah said:

    Love this guy, the best of the best. Helpful, friendly and awesome >:D Feel the power!

  19. UPS said:

    This guy is not mid-. He’s Mid.

  20. Iller: tGa said:

    Seems to be a very good sniper.
    I just have to cite him from a sniper duel when the enemy sniper got a medic attached to himself:
    “Bringing a medic to a sniper duel is lika bringing your mum to a date.”

  21. exm said:

    Thanks, Iller. I just love sniping in multiplay dm_store :D

  22. Gamb1t: PStM - DStS said:

    Last Season EXM brought huge strength to the team of pB, a real asset to the team. Has a good eye for sniping and his soldier abilities are great, comms are great can bring experience to your team or take it away ;). True legend definately Mid not Mid- but he doesn’t care about div so what are ppl doing not picking him up. Has gamesense will do what you want him too.

    Think tht will do, GET HIM NOW esriously!!!!

  23. sh1z said:

    very good solly can easy go to div 4 :)

  24. ups said:

    “I am a serious player, this is a serious game!”

    There’s a bump for ya.