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Medic  Mid Skill, 6v6

Israel barEEE

Posted: | Last Online:

hey im looking for a mid/mid- clan
im playing a medic
i got
#non rager
#nice guy who love to have fun!
i played at mid teams
i know that my etf2l profile is not realy good

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:50807917 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Left Israel [National 6v6 Team] Random
Left BotsArmy [6v6] barEEE
Joined Israel [National 6v6 Team] barEEE
Joined BotsArmy [6v6] barEEE
Left 2rus1svetlana [Highlander] barEEE
Left malka [6v6] barEEE
Joined malka [6v6] barEEE
Left n2o-gaming.TF2 [6v6] mosepose
Joined 2rus1svetlana [Highlander] Tarduuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
Joined n2o-gaming.TF2 [6v6] mosepose
Left I have no idea [6v6] Supreme
Joined I have no idea [6v6] barEEE
Left CommanderX and The Sex Kittens [6v6] barEEE
Joined CommanderX and The Sex Kittens [6v6] CommanderX
Left Blue waffles [6v6] barEEE
Joined Blue waffles [6v6] Cizeer
Left beethoven [6v6] barEEE
Left UK-TF [Highlander] barEEE
Left fatass [2v2] barEEE
Joined beethoven [6v6] Bena
Left Division Of Justice [6v6] barEEE
Joined Division Of Justice [6v6] SatlanNumberOne
Left Team Accuracy [6v6] barEEE
Joined Team Accuracy [6v6] sKaz
Left Team Colonslash [6v6] barEEE
Joined Team Colonslash [6v6] Spike Himself
Left /ier-israel [6v6] barEEE
Joined /ier-israel [6v6] barEEE
Left /ier-israel [6v6] barEEE
Joined UK-TF [Highlander] Nagash
Left TeamKill [Highlander] barEEE
Joined /ier-israel [6v6] ForWard
Left FUNKYFRESH [6v6] barEEE
Joined FUNKYFRESH [6v6] barEEE
Left /ier-israel [6v6] barEEE
Joined /ier-israel [6v6] ForWard
Left asD' eSport [6v6] barEEE
Joined asD' eSport [6v6] barEEE
Left sFusion [6v6] barEEE
Joined sFusion [6v6] Boogi
Joined fatass [2v2] barEEE
Joined TeamKill [Highlander] iAwp
Left Bad Reaction [6v6] barEEE
Joined Bad Reaction [6v6] barEEE
Left iNgrediants [6v6] barEEE
Joined iNgrediants [6v6] GreeniaK
Left Wild Turtlez [6v6] chodz
Joined Wild Turtlez [6v6] barEEE
Left Hnunzors [6v6] barEEE
Joined Hnunzors [6v6] Boogi
Left International Special Force [6v6] barEEE
Left Team Dignitas [LAN Team] barEEE
Joined International Special Force [6v6] barEEE
Joined Team Dignitas [LAN Team] barEEE
Left Team Moonsters [6v6] barEEE
Joined Team Moonsters [6v6] barEEE
Left Vicious Delicious [6v6] chodz
Joined Vicious Delicious [6v6] barEEE

Previous Recruitment Posts

View Skill Classes Views Added
View Prem 7 300
View Div 2 14 624
View Div 2 18 1115
View Div 2/Div 3 2 185
View Div 2/Div 3 22 1122
View Div 2/Div 3 11 594
View Div 3/Div 4 47 1189
View Mid- 20 587
View Mid- 31 654


  1. Gaz: TPS said:

    There’s absoulutley no way that you are above mid- and I dont know you. plus never seen a midish player with no avatar/

  2. XLyourSELF said:

    this is my new account dude…

  3. Dusty: vertex » - derptex9 said:

    Did you get banned since you created a new account?

  4. FluffY ZeuZ said:

    What Dusty said^^

  5. XLyourSELF said:

    yes that why… i dont want to say who i am….

  6. XLyourSELF said:

    bump :D

  7. Dante said:

    i bet he is senssey

  8. XLyourSELF said:


  9. suni: [j]\\\' said:

    This guy seems to be legit.

  10. Jesta said:

    you are not MID

  11. FluffY ZeuZ said:

    Don’t think you’ll actually find a team, until you explain why you got a new Steam Account, since people might think you’ve been banned or something else because of the sudden new account, and MID medic rising from nowhere, and you don’t explain where this experience come from. Just my oppinion…… :/

  12. XLyourSELF said:

    jesta you saw me playing solly not medic..

  13. seNsation said:

    oh my god
    Israelis have to be banned from the etf2l forums I swear -.-

  14. XLyourSELF said:

    kodem torid et a gufya a sgula shelha ahrey ze tedber!

  15. bena: iveR - addict! said:

    nice med, but not mid/mid-
    low+ max take him nice guy :p

  16. seNsation said:

    olay ani lovesh gofeya sgula aval lefahot ani lo yeled israeli mazoy omo ben 13 she hosev she o pro olam

    hatihat koxinel bye

  17. Gaz: TPS said:

    @ sensation-ill hit you next time you say somthing like that
    @ XLyourSELF- just give up

  18. seNsation said:

    gaz iloveu

  19. ChiBuRaShKa: Inqui said:

    hi bary what’s up?
    btw ur not mid maybe low+ medic

  20. FluffY ZeuZ said:

    low Medic. Nothing higher to be fair. Not even near MID skilled

  21. Seduce: CA said:

    You’r not mid you are more like low

  22. Seduce: CA said:

    Ok guys:

    xLyourself = Bary – a player who got banned from mpuk-pickup – a super rager , unmature kid who keep overates him self , you’r not a mid medic , your not a mid- medic , your not a low+ medic, you’r not a low medic , your not a low- medic, ACTUALLY IM NOT A MEDIC AND I CAN DO IT BETTER THEN YOU.

    * * * my suggest DO NOT pickup him if you want you’r clan to be good * * * !

  23. SneakyFox said:

    seduce it was painful
    but big part of this is right
    but give him chance
    i think that he is nice player and can play on a low+ clan
    Good Luck Bary
    The MaGnOv

  24. Taimou said:


  25. Jesta said: