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Sniper  Mid Skill, Highlander

International MuGeN

Posted: | Last Online:

Lft main preferably just in case

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:281182146 Add Friend

Team History

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Joined middies of 256 Sponsored by Dummy [Highlander] Nyomo Reka
Left 2 CAKED UP [Highlander] MuGeN
Joined 2 CAKED UP [Highlander] Pooper
Left Hellenic Supremacy [Highlander] MuGeN
Joined Hellenic Supremacy [Highlander] Xi
Left on god; sponsored by MS PAINT [Highlander] MuGeN
Joined on god; sponsored by MS PAINT [Highlander] Destiny
Left Atria [Highlander] MuGeN
Joined Atria [Highlander] Justice
Left Jacobins [Highlander] MuGeN
Joined Jacobins [Highlander] Maximilien
Left gold chainzzz HL [Highlander] kris
Joined gold chainzzz HL [Highlander] kris

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View Low/Open 2 284


  1. Houf: NERD - CAKE said:


  2. Korra: MGE - CAKE said:


  3. cosmetical: MAGDONAL - GYM said:

    unironically really good

  4. wavy: CAKE said:

    actually crazy sniper

  5. Sevenless: E6 - TEMU said:

    this man will single handedly carry the game for you

  6. Lebron James: CH - LIETUVA said:


  7. KamikaZe: MGE - GMsU said:

    real good

  8. mackey: MCS said:


  9. Solstice: Yakuza - CAKE said:

    clicks heads pretty well

  10. Josh: HELLAS said:

    he shot me behind a wall… probably the best sniper I’ve played against. Would pick up.

  11. Cursed: ADO - NUKE said:


  12. Meow: abs - DCP said:

    my man

  13. Slippy: TEMU said:


  14. Rei: F6 - CH said:


  15. Vixen: YOYO - CAKE said:

    best sniper in asia

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