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ScoutSniper  Low/Open Skill, Highlander

Norway -Robby

Posted: | Last Online:

I am really washed, and i might not have played a comp game in like 6~7 years.
my schedule is also lowkey ass :)
its really only mondays and tuesdays during summer xdd
Discord. robbro.

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:85767903 Add Friend

Team History

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Joined colon 3 [Highlander] danish
Left Jelly Banditos [Highlander] -Robby
Left Rewind [6v6] -Robby
Joined Jelly Banditos [Highlander] On Electro!
Joined Rewind [6v6] khamba
Left Table Union [Highlander] -Robby
Joined Table Union [Highlander] MR.Awesome
Left Pregame Tryhards [Highlander] -Robby
Joined Pregame Tryhards [Highlander] Big Papa MattJ
Left Xogos' masterpiece [Highlander] -Robby
Left PEACEKEEPERS [6v6] -Robby
Joined Xogos' masterpiece [Highlander] Xogos
Joined PEACEKEEPERS [6v6] septik
Left islamic europeans [6v6] -Robby
Left Team Amaze-Balls v3 [Highlander] Donny
Joined Team Amaze-Balls v3 [Highlander] Donny
Left Sophisticated Horseman's Idiocy Tribe [Highlander] -Robby
Joined islamic europeans [6v6] Donny
Joined Sophisticated Horseman's Idiocy Tribe [Highlander] Donny
Left The Chudley Cannons [Highlander] -Robby
Joined The Chudley Cannons [Highlander] prof
Left The Tiny Waffles [Highlander] -Robby
Joined The Tiny Waffles [Highlander] Transistor
Left Antisigma [6v6] Tsumugu
Joined Antisigma [6v6] Tsumugu

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