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Soldier  High/Mid Skill, 6v6

Portugal Antonio Variacoes

Posted: | Last Online:

d2>top mid

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:1025409876 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Left Pest Control [Highlander] Antonio Variacoes
Left YUMP [6v6] Antonio Variacoes
Joined Pest Control [Highlander] chocolate
Joined YUMP [6v6] saltyy
Left 坏蛋必须死 [6v6] Antonio Variacoes
Joined 坏蛋必须死 [6v6] Doraemon
Left Danish Tyrant Regime [6v6] Antonio Variacoes
Joined Danish Tyrant Regime [6v6] doby
Left Infamous tf2 players [6v6] Antonio Variacoes
Joined Infamous tf2 players [6v6] kilikia
Left HAVOC [6v6] Antonio Variacoes
Joined HAVOC [6v6] amppis
Left TANK [6v6] Antonio Variacoes
Joined TANK [6v6] Highlander
Left HAVOC [6v6] Antonio Variacoes
Joined HAVOC [6v6] amppis
Left TANK [6v6] Highlander
Left carro de corrida estado demente [1v1] Antonio Variacoes
Joined TANK [6v6] Highlander
Left career ending -48 damage airshot [6v6] Antonio Variacoes
Joined Portugal [National Highlander Team] S0rce
Joined career ending -48 damage airshot [6v6] slowmotion milk
Left TANK [6v6] Antonio Variacoes
Joined CSG [2v2] amppis
Joined TANK [6v6] Highlander
Left LOTR: Stolen Lolo [6v6] Antonio Variacoes
Joined carro de corrida estado demente [1v1] Antonio Variacoes
Left Rahcist Car [1v1] Antonio Variacoes
Joined LOTR: Stolen Lolo [6v6] Doraemon
Left Sampler Fi Part II [6v6] Antonio Variacoes
Joined Sampler Fi Part II [6v6] .
Left Infamous tf2 players [6v6] Antonio Variacoes
Joined Portugal [National 6v6 Team] Spanns
Left GlitchClanEU HL [Highlander] Antonio Variacoes
Joined Infamous tf2 players [6v6] dod
Joined GlitchClanEU HL [Highlander] meli
Left My highlander team [Highlander] Antonio Variacoes
Left Deshio's Personal Sphere [6v6] Antonio Variacoes
Joined My highlander team [Highlander] N3lly
Left Only4Word [Highlander] Antonio Variacoes
Joined Only4Word [Highlander] Guz
Left members only [Highlander] Antonio Variacoes
Joined members only [Highlander] extwo
Left Only4Word [Highlander] Antonio Variacoes
Joined Deshio's Personal Sphere [6v6] Anzu
Left red's gyro: LEGACY [6v6] Antonio Variacoes
Joined red's gyro: LEGACY [6v6] red
Left 6bozos [6v6] soaky
Joined 6bozos [6v6] soaky
Left Open To Prem [6v6] Antonio Variacoes
Joined Rahcist Car [1v1] Antonio Variacoes
Joined Open To Prem [6v6] Uncle Sam
Left racistcar state of mind [1v1] Antonio Variacoes
Left Infamous tf2 players [6v6] Antonio Variacoes
Joined racistcar state of mind [1v1] Antonio Variacoes
Joined Only4Word [Highlander] Guz
Left Policeman [Highlander] Antonio Variacoes
Joined Policeman [Highlander] Chris
Joined Infamous tf2 players [6v6] Anzu
Left Bockey Mouse March [6v6] Nightingale
Left Only4Word [Highlander] Antonio Variacoes
Joined Bockey Mouse March [6v6] Nightingale
Left oklol [6v6] Antonio Variacoes
Joined Only4Word [Highlander] Guz
Joined oklol [6v6] Tomee

Previous Recruitment Posts

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View Mid 4 239
View High 1 176
View Prem/High 0 95
View Prem/High 2 141
View High 10 461
View High 3 166
View Mid 2 367
View Prem/High 1 347
View Prem/High 4 632
View High 12 888
View High 1 232
View High 0 125
View High 1 359
View High/Mid 2 279
View High/Mid 2 296
View High 3 587
View High/Mid 0 221
View High 0 392
View High 1 303
View High 10 805
View High/Mid 1 494
View High/Mid 6 507
View High 0 250
View High/Mid 1 280
View High/Mid 1 255
View High/Mid 4 339
View High/Mid 5 306
View High 12 477
View Open 3 342
View Open 0 247
View Open 5 402
View Open 7 339
View Mid/Low 27 919
View Mid/Low 9 436
View Mid/Low 2 344
View Mid/Low 0 334
View Mid 5 365
View Low 6 563
View Mid 8 656
View Mid/Low 0 391
View Mid/Low 3 310
View Mid 10 751
View Low/Open 2 317
View Mid 3 522
View Mid 8 790
View Low/Open 5 365
View Low/Open 16 999
View Low/Open 11 839
View Low/Open 10 520
View Low/Open 8 466
View Open 8 481
View Low/Open 4 541
View Low/Open 8 512
View Low/Open 10 595
View Low/Open 2 290
View Low/Open 0 299
View Low/Open 0 366
View Low/Open 3 468
View Low/Open 0 332
View Low/Open 0 325
View Low/Open 0 327
View Low/Open 0 347
View Low/Open 2 684
View Low/Open 1 325
View Low/Open 0 309


  1. Antonio Variacoes said:


  2. Antonio Variacoes said:


  3. Antonio Variacoes said:


  4. Antonio Variacoes said:


  5. s0rce said:

    racist and tozic would not recomend