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Pyro  Mid Skill, 6v6 Fun Team

Ireland bitebo

Posted: | Last Online:

Hello friends,

Old gamer looking for a team for the fun cup to relive the best days of tf2.

Can play most days and for real I really wanna play gravelpit 😂

Been told I'm a great team player and a nice guy but I'm a pyro main so make your own mind up on that.

Bitebo#2663 is my discord add me there or on steam.

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:70120143 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Joined Rat Gang: Bricked Up [Highlander] Brick May
Left middies of 256 Sponsored by Dummy [Highlander] Nyomo Reka
Left !!!GRAVELPIT GANG!!! [6v6 Fun Team] Peams
Joined middies of 256 Sponsored by Dummy [Highlander] Nyomo Reka
Left Rat Gang: Bricked Up [Highlander] bitebo
Joined !!!GRAVELPIT GANG!!! [6v6 Fun Team] Peams
Joined Rat Gang: Bricked Up [Highlander] Peams
Left It's All About The Gibus [Highlander] bitebo
Left Robotic Reporters [6v6] Stuey
Joined Robotic Reporters [6v6] bitebo
Left It's All About The Gibus [6v6] bitebo
Joined It's All About The Gibus [6v6] bitebo
Joined It's All About The Gibus [Highlander] bitebo

Previous Recruitment Posts

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  1. Peams: NERD - TEMU said:

    Will carry you on gravelpit

  2. Yawnn said:

    will give the best gravelpit maptalks

  3. skai: Atria said:

    great player, very kind <3