ETF2L is looking for new Staff to recruit! Are you interested in supporting the league? Then click here for more details on what we can offer and how to apply! 


ScoutSoldier  Low/Open Skill, Highlander

Romania rutu

Posted: | Last Online:

looking to chill as a substitute
flank enjoyer

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:967901050 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Left Avangard [Highlander] rutu
Joined G6.GECI [6v6] Agen
Joined Romania [National 6v6 Team] tavi
Joined Avangard [Highlander] Fartsa
Left ANIMA LIBERA [6v6] rutu
Left Kuzkek [6v6] rutu
Joined Kuzkek [6v6] k046
Left Romania [National Highlander Team] rutu
Left Uni [Highlander] rutu
Left Gardienii Fortei Mistice [6v6] rutu
Joined Gardienii Fortei Mistice [6v6] Demos
Left Kuzkek [6v6] rutu
Joined Kuzkek [6v6] k046
Left alien workshop [6v6] rutu
Joined alien workshop [6v6] shades
Left Ubii: The Last Airbender [6v6] rutu
Joined Uni [Highlander] Mong
Joined Ubii: The Last Airbender [6v6] oriano
Left LSD VISUALS [6v6] rutu
Joined LSD VISUALS [6v6] Nistor
Left blessed guys with bad vibes [6v6] rutu
Joined Romania [National Highlander Team] chris_kz
Joined blessed guys with bad vibes [6v6] BizBasz
Left direct city [6v6] Critical
Joined direct city [6v6] Critical
Left Stevie Wonder's Aim School [6v6] ETF2L Staff
Left alfa did nothing wrong [6v6 Fun Team] ETF2L Staff
Left GlitchClanEU HL [Highlander] meli
Joined GlitchClanEU HL [Highlander] meli
Left Rat Gang: Bricked Up [Highlander] Brick May
Joined Rat Gang: Bricked Up [Highlander] Peams
Joined Stevie Wonder's Aim School [6v6] r4res
Left Not My Anime List [6v6] rutu
Joined Not My Anime List [6v6] Phyxkes
Left open intellects [6v6] rutu
Joined alfa did nothing wrong [6v6 Fun Team] hawk
Joined open intellects [6v6] Arelelele
Left TH3 H0L1 W33D B1BL3 [6v6] shinso
Joined TH3 H0L1 W33D B1BL3 [6v6] shinso
Left Tracii de la nord de dunare [6v6] rutu
Joined Tracii de la nord de dunare [6v6] hawk

Previous Recruitment Posts

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View High/Mid 8 494
View High 3 347
View High/Mid 8 697
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View Mid/Low 2 392
View Low/Open 13 934
View Low 2 263
View Low 2 507
View Low/Open 0 294
View Low/Open 28 1076

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