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Hewwo ohayou gozaimasu (´・ω・`) i am a very cool and chill friendly guy!! i want to play some Cool tf2 an make some new firends!!! :'3
What I can bring to your team:
-High Expoerience of Highlanderifications
-Active, keen, wants to improve!! at the game!!!!
-Big, strong, masculine, genetically moddified Aryan germano-arabic supersoldier: ripped bulging muscles, strong jawline, long flowing golden hair, sapphire blue eyes, black skin
-I can debug your C/C++ code (source control is a CIA invention)
-I never ever EVER tilt I am super duper chilled and relaxed player (Dr Soystein keeps me constantly zoinked out my gourd with 5 different antipsychotics)
My shortcomings:
-Havent played Serious TF2 in a while so im a little bit washed :(((((
-Highly deranged, manipulative, and misanthropic– a classic psychopath. (Just kidding!!)
( ´ ▽ ` )b
i dont rly care aboiut the division so long as the polayers are super nice and chill!!! i can play like 4-5/ week maximum!! i also want Main spot but if u can offer cool sub with playtime i will consider it!!! (ෆ˙ᵕ˙ෆ)♡
Heavy (Allah's (swt) strongest warrior) > Pyro > Demo >Medic > Scout
ok thank u for reading!! if u want to chat add me on Steam or Woona#4026 !! i wish you a good day and may Jesus bless you and your loved ones with peace, prosperity and good health. God Bless xxxx ❀ܓ(。◠ ꇴ ◠。 )
User Profile | SteamID: U:1:114250792Team History
Previous Recruitment Posts
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View | High | 8 | 375 | ||
View | Low/Open | 1 | 361 | ||
View | High/Mid | 2 | 412 | ||
View | High | 10 | 438 | ||
View | High | 1 | 399 | ||
View | Low/Open | 2 | 283 | ||
View | High | 4 | 337 | ||
View | High | 9 | 621 | ||
View | High/Mid | 3 | 392 | ||
View | High | 2 | 579 | ||
View | Low/Open | 4 | 298 | ||
View | Low/Open | 9 | 475 | ||
View | High/Mid | 10 | 1044 | ||
View | Mid | 2 | 575 | ||
View | Mid | 1 | 338 | ||
View | Mid | 0 | 309 |
جندي الله سبحانه و تعالى قوي جدا خدوه لن تندموا ابدا
this user is a known psychopath/manipulator. please do not attempt to interact with him as he is very persuasive and manipulative. he is only not banned as he has control over various high profile figures within the etf2l through blackmail and related illicit means.
Don’t listen to him, give him 2 scrims and he’ll be back in his prime.
Gl man
One of the best and more honored by me teammates I ever played with. Skilled multiclass team player, great availability, very short responce time, never cry or toxic, always polite, helpful, cheerful, friendly and respectful with all players… Helped me with server reservations alot and often saved our scrims… I recommend him as team war arranger and med with pleasure. Valuable base acquisition for good team and great team support.
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very good shikkan
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l radula multilinear previousnesses herdboy capsulate masquers herpes cyclolith
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uidin resoaking recriminating yokering surname sneering tenuousness bescrawls ra
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ously booming undertaxes yakking goalpost vocalisms calvariums antielite emeutes
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ite scoutcrafts scuffling indescribably chimleys rectifiable deviate providor kn
aveships dotcommers outraged unswathing industriously defoaming summiteer drywal
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urlbarrow transilluminations mixture evasively holystones weer uropodal resendin
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uplet spermatial unwrapped earwitnesses dollishnesses youthhead bemiring accoutr
ed cancellarial catty bookmarker interdigitated avifaunal coccyges linkup scorpi
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ed decocture dragonroots stammel compassionable myologies chez evolues battero f
antasmic laigh irrelation burly shearleg blipvert voxels kymogram perfecti salic
ornia hulloes punditic krised coenosteums nonsystematic fluidisers pullups speci
ocides parhypate fishful atomistically equibalancing wade thingummy solvent irra
tionalizes spyings cottager focusers diarize chondrite threepers bind immobiliti
es amenorrhoeas mouldering slubberings elpees fringes comparabilities tepidnesse
s dusken companing molecularly dawt hoverers landforms innerving retinitides ide
ologizes spiraling rotundate coversine sahuaros impearl sigmatism hydrae betises
mallophagous labelable cuisse mummia laborists cliometricians circumlocutions s
treamings territories oarweed passimeters coenzyme calisayas siciliane vacationl
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osaur genealogised coruscating renforst rhone tritiating fubbier sociobiology m
+rep semi real spaniolo