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Scout  Mid Skill, Highlander

Russia lc50

Posted: | Last Online:

or something something this

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:130400301 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Joined VVVtech [6v6] vivalden
Left уротцы eSports [6v6] lc50
Joined OCHOBA [ALTFS] [Highlander] Pahan
Left BAD DRAGONS [Highlander] lc50
Joined уротцы eSports [6v6] Avogadro
Left Russia [National Highlander Team] laiky
Joined BAD DRAGONS [Highlander] Citrus
Left Kazakh e-Sports [Highlander] lc50
Joined Kazakh e-Sports [Highlander] yucca
Left Church of Walter White [Highlander] lc50
Joined Church of Walter White [Highlander] gambit
Left BAD DRAGONS [Highlander] Citrus
Left Russia [National 6v6 Team] dqz
Joined BAD DRAGONS [Highlander] Citrus
Left Squirtus.Pro [6v6] lc50
Left Temporary Difficulties [Highlander] lc50
Joined Squirtus.Pro [6v6] HerpTim
Left ya nemnogo D R I P P Y [6v6] lc50
Joined ya nemnogo D R I P P Y [6v6] pluxa
Joined Temporary Difficulties [Highlander] Citrus
Left уротцы eSports [6v6] lc50
Left 34cm per second guy [1v1] lc50
Left big dick squad [6v6 Fun Team] lc50
Left kiti s bakenbardami [Highlander] Pahan
Joined Russia [National Highlander Team] Pahan
Joined уротцы eSports [6v6] Avogadro
Left canned team in tomato sauce [LAN Team] lc50
Left Coffin Clan [6v6] lc50
Joined Coffin Clan [6v6] tXX
Joined kiti s bakenbardami [Highlander] Pahan
Left GRAHAM GAMING [Highlander] lc50
Left KNOPPERS [6v6] lc50
Joined GRAHAM GAMING [Highlander] HeavyGod
Left kiti s bakenbardami [Highlander] lc50
Left Dayn Town [6v6] lc50
Joined Russia [National 6v6 Team] Eniere
Joined kiti s bakenbardami [Highlander] Pahan
Left WASP [Highlander] lc50
Joined Dayn Town [6v6] dqz
Left Third Eye [6v6] lc50
Joined WASP [Highlander] Detoed.
Left MONKEY MODE [Highlander] lc50
Joined Third Eye [6v6] myownigorek
Left Lithuanian Rhapsody [6v6] lc50
Joined MONKEY MODE [Highlander] HeavyGod
Joined Lithuanian Rhapsody [6v6] Tercio
Left ==---== [6v6] lc50
Joined ==---== [6v6] op
Left monkaX [6v6] lc50
Joined monkaX [6v6] Perlex
Left Dayn Town [6v6] lc50
Joined Dayn Town [6v6] myownigorek
Left impakt [6v6] lc50
Left Keepo [Highlander] lc50
Joined impakt [6v6] wgl
Joined 34cm per second guy [1v1] lc50
Left impakt [6v6] lc50
Joined big dick squad [6v6 Fun Team] wgl
Left 性的癒し [6v6 Fun Team] lc50
Joined 性的癒し [6v6 Fun Team] Pstric
Joined impakt [6v6] wgl
Left Elderly Pixel Adventurers [6v6] lc50
Joined Elderly Pixel Adventurers [6v6] demsii
Left Experience [6v6] Offside
Joined Experience [6v6] Offside
Left What the problem [6v6 Fun Team] lc50
Joined What the problem [6v6 Fun Team] Silver
Left Russian Brain Advantage [6v6] Silver
Joined Russian Brain Advantage [6v6] Silver
Left Russian Brain Advantage [6v6] lc50
Joined Keepo [Highlander] Silver
Left Sideshow is the best waifu [Highlander] lc50
Joined Sideshow is the best waifu [Highlander] nastoyashee
Joined Russian Brain Advantage [6v6] Silver
Left Russian Brain Advantage [6v6] lc50
Joined Russian Brain Advantage [6v6] Silver
Left Russian Brain Advantage [6v6] lc50
Joined Russian Brain Advantage [6v6] Silver
Left fasting and fragging for ramadan [6v6] lc50
Joined canned team in tomato sauce [LAN Team] lc50
Joined fasting and fragging for ramadan [6v6] seeds
Left Carbonade [6v6] lc50
Joined Carbonade [6v6] johnson

Previous Recruitment Posts

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View Prem/High 13 1063
View Prem/High 3 825
View Prem/High 17 1169
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View High 4 837
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View High/Mid 2 573
View High/Mid 13 1113
View Mid 7 706
View Mid 2 512
View Mid 2 516
View Mid 1 567
View Mid 2 511
View Mid 1 438
View Open 0 354
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View Open 1 546


  1. Spoon1337: C9 said:

    Average paulaner fan…

  2. fnzkie: C9 said:

    nice loseless touhou tracks collection

  3. mellow: hp said:

    oh my god real lil claw

  4. Citrus: OCHOBA said:
