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Medic  High Skill, 6v6

Germany rae

Posted: | Last Online:

I want to play

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:1480930812 Add Friend

Team History

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Joined Kuzkek [6v6] k046
Joined PLUMMCORP RECORDS [6v6] syrus
Left wer das liest ist doof [6v6] rae
Joined wer das liest ist doof [6v6] voxtec
Left Kuzkek [6v6] rae
Joined Kuzkek [6v6] k046
Left wer das liest ist doof [6v6] rae
Joined wer das liest ist doof [6v6] voxtec
Left Kuzkek [6v6] rae
Joined Kuzkek [6v6] Philip
Left Butzbach, Erwachsenenvollzug [6v6] rae
Left SVIFT.DE [6v6 Fun Team] danny
Joined how do i cap? [2v2] rae
Joined Butzbach, Erwachsenenvollzug [6v6] jekeb
Joined SVIFT.DE [6v6 Fun Team] danny
Left EMPiRE [6v6] qBowN∼
Joined EMPiRE [6v6] qBowN∼
Left ?????? [6v6] rae
Joined Germany [National 6v6 Team] voxtec
Joined ?????? [6v6] rae
Left wer das liest ist doof [6v6] rae
Left Double Clutch [Highlander] rae
Joined Double Clutch [Highlander] CacTus
Joined wer das liest ist doof [6v6] voxtec
Left :Blinky: [6v6] rae
Joined :Blinky: [6v6] JoeN
Left breastFed [6v6] rae
Joined breastFed [6v6] verkle
Left Germany [National 6v6 Team] rae
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Left Brainiac eSports [Highlander] rae
Left wrongGOD gaming [2v2] rae
Joined Germany [National 6v6 Team] voxtec
Joined Brainiac eSports [Highlander] Benaty
Joined Backyard Bullies [6v6] seeds
Left EMPiRE [6v6] rae
Left Bingolander [Highlander] rae
Joined Bingolander [Highlander] Lennox
Left clap them cheeks [Highlander] rae
Joined EMPiRE [6v6] qBowN∼
Left High Rollers [6v6] rae
Joined wrongGOD gaming [2v2] rulliez
Joined clap them cheeks [Highlander] kleinsein
Joined High Rollers [6v6] Lowenzahn
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Left Bingolander [Highlander] rae
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Joined PARTYROCKERS [6v6] yoot
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Joined Skwidd [Highlander] Sabre
Joined High Rollers [6v6] rae
Left Gamer Time [Fun] [6v6 Fun Team] amyzie
Left Reality Check [Highlander] rae
Joined Gamer Time [Fun] [6v6 Fun Team] amyzie
Joined Reality Check [Highlander] GR1M

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  1. Benaty: juice said:

    Will absolutely live on forever with the rockets she surfs and so will you with her heals

  2. Aaron: RAH said:

    can I get a commandment?

    Yes, I shall bestow upon you the 15… the 10 commandments.
    This person does Medic, this is good.

  3. quintosh: ANIMA - op_sqd said:


  4. Netch said:

    mega beast medic, deserves prem

    plz get her in prem i can say i have prem friennnddn

  5. Faust: Choke - -ƒ$- said:

    good player

  6. yoot: HOUND - HOUND said:

    beam good
    very cute

  7. rivs: ExD said:

    beast medic

  8. dareos: MERKEL - RY said:

    one of the most comitted medic mains i know

  9. ouppy: MANDEM - HOUSE said:

    actually the best medic you can get shes fucking crazy at this class aaskudgcuqwawaecvwiahgza

  10. qBowN∼: op_sqd said:


  11. matarazzi: FLANK said:

    very good medic, great gamesense and fantastic comms !

  12. Dypsilon said:


  13. Leonhard Broler: SMOM - PhD said:

    keen, not the loudest, reliable

  14. res: op_sqd said:

    best active german medic tbh

  15. Rising: MAFIA said:

    keen (kann kein viaduct mge)

  16. scar: /ff said:

    Un talent en médecine

  17. seeds: xodijkrgoi said:

    deserves a good team

  18. Rising: MAFIA said:

    was denn großer? @scar

  19. amp-t: Lugs - buud$cult said:


  20. sykh3 said:

    brilliant player. picks up on everything she gets her hands on, pretty fast. she’s a real team player as well.

  21. flick: DTR - hp said:

    les go

  22. .kr4tos: (ETF2L Donator) - FLANK - DGB said:

    solid player, lots of potential for sure

  23. Sabre: McV - BL said:

    crazy gamer

  24. Tuete: Geschwind said:

    One of the best medics I had the pleasure to play with :)

  25. Inna: cutie - CCP said:


  26. yeiwin said:

    Very awesome player, awesome Medic! She’s a very wholesome and reliable person. Very good pickup. She deserves a good team!

  27. slowtown: NMDM - 5 гривень said:

    chill and very keen player

  28. koling_pendejo: PIG - E.T.s said:

    great mechanics and very keen. Solid player!

  29. smziii: (Legendary Ratehacks) - SVIFT said:

    No doubt Rae is very keen and is always looking for ways to improve, but div1, bottom prem is too much of a stretch as of now.
    With the work ethic you have it is surely a possiblility in a couple of seasons

  30. maxi opossum: cooking - LMS said:

    good choice if you want friendly and ambitious teammate, worth picking up ^^

  31. RNTenant: ORACLE said:

    Without a doubt, rae is a player who aims for victory and has the necessary skills to achieve it. It was evident in the few times she and I played together, and it will most certainly be again should she play with you.
    Whether her Medic skills are ready for Premiership is questionable. What’s not questionable, however, is the fact that they’re fit for Division 1.

  32. 4timesM: CHX - :pray: HL said:

    +rep gamer!

  33. supra: (Webmaster) - BIRD - BIRD said:

    rae is recommended by the Egyptian Gods

  34. Opti: REMOVE said:

    upcomig beast, good luck !

  35. Toxy: woofwoof said:

    really talented Medic with Beast Arrows. I personally don’t think she is ready to perform in top Prem, but bbottom Prem would be really good for her to get some new and organized experience. With good introduction how you want to Play rae can fit in that quickly. definite one of the best Medics in the German Community if not the best.

  36. danny: kZk - op_sqd said:

    feel like this rec post says more about u than ur ambitions

  37. rulliez: nya said:

    good med

  38. cooney: MAFIA said:

    ein traum auf mediziner

  39. BaRoN: BARBER said:

    amazing medic, keen asf as she said herself, get her a team wtf are u waiting for

  40. iusti: YN said:

    Best transformer

  41. TimTum: (ETF2L Donator) - myx said:

    Keen player good med

  42. bluee: TLR said:

    epic :)

  43. mae said:

    best medic

  44. Vouri said:

    actually der goat

  45. torrit said:

    VERY good

  46. laiky: YN - SDCK! said:


  47. t4ntrum: 3SB - KAAS said:

    actually a beast on medic

  48. f4t said:


  49. voxtec: REMOVE said:

    Improved alot in just one season!
    Will do very well in div 1 and could potentially be prem by next season!

  50. Angel16: CH said:

    is nice

  51. syrus said:

    super keen player with lots of potential in d1. super nice person who is fun to hang around with. 100% worth picking her up

  52. Yakkin: JaR said:

    medic prodigy

  53. Wylenn: ^,..,^ - LMS said:

    Super cool and nice and talented, believe in her and she will make you win!

  54. J4mes said:

    ideal d1/prem medic gf

  55. sia said:

    keen and beast

  56. vani: F! said:

    rae the VILLAIN

  57. troy: DTR - troy said:

    good medic good potential

  58. denkra said:

    guter beam

  59. Philip: kZk said:

    keen af, chill and a good attitude. Pick her up! :)