ETF2L is looking for new Staff to recruit! Are you interested in supporting the league? Then click here for more details on what we can offer and how to apply! 


ScoutSoldier  Low Skill, 6v6 Fun Team

Turkey ZurnaDurumGamig

Posted by Mercimek: | Last Online:

(This is not a fun team a 6s team)

We are looking for only very keen players that are looking to improve and learn and can scrim most days.
need a pocket scout and pocket solly main
subs for any classes

add mercimek on steam or discord – Mercimek#5656

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  1. Mercimek: :pray: - AVN said:

    still lfp

  2. Galien said:

    I may be fairly new in the game (1k hours), but I’m willing to better myself and improve. I am a scout and medic main, so I can take either of these roles. I can communicate in english only, though.

  3. crazykiller monty: TC: Ox said:


  4. tuna said:

    300 saat daha kasim gelcem