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DemomanMedicSoldier  Low Skill, 6v6

Poland Champions

Posted by Ser646: | Last Online:

Looking for players dedicated to win low

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  1. coyo said:

    ur not winning low without droz u stupid pricks

  2. LackRish said:

    hmmmm smells like a bait

  3. MatZer said:

    potężni zawodnicy polecam

  4. mlodzier said:

    Coyo drozd was the reason we didnt even reach playoffs lmao xd

  5. jeven99 said:

    100 YEARS is my team, this is just a bunch of Polish players who other than 1, didn’t ever win anything in their life

    coyo: Xypher – troy said:
    Wed 22 May 2019, 03:45

    ur not winning low without droz u stupid pricks