ETF2L is looking for new Staff to recruit! Are you interested in supporting the league? Then click here for more details on what we can offer and how to apply! 


DemomanMedicSoldier  Low/Open Skill, 6v6

European Trashcan

Posted by Kortex: | Last Online:

Freshly created Team searching for Main and Sub Players in pursuit of playing Low after proving themselfs in S34 Open.

Searching Main: Demoman

Searching Subs: Soldier | Medic

What are we looking for:
Ambitious and Keen Players able to talk English Semi-Fluently (Clear and Understandable), that are available at least 3 times a Week including the Weekend (exact schedule will be released once the Main roster is established), and that have a basic Understanding of the 6v6 Format (Positioning, Advantage/Disadvantage, ect.).

What we are offering:
A kind and welcoming Team with Players willing to give it their all to climb up the Rankings. Regular Scrims on fixed days (again, as soon as the Roster is established) and frequent Maptalks/Demoreviews.

The Plan:
Establish a solid Team of ambitious Main and Sub Players, frequently Scrim and Maptalk to improve and solidify Team Composition, participating in ETF2L Season 34 as an Open Team to prove our Skills and Teamwork and ascend into Low and higher.

If you're interested in joining us, please contact me via Steam by sending me a Friendrequest and commenting "ETF2L" on my Profile.

Thanks for your Interest, until then,

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  1. DryRain: BwA said:

    Wo bleibt nexxim ?

  2. cori: Brett - OBAMA said:

    *hust* https://clips.twitch.tv/RudeNastyTildeFUNgineer *hust*

  3. Kortex said:

    That clip fits so well to you two. Even after almost 2 Years of me meaving Mercury because of you, you still stalk and harass me. I got to admire the dedication at this point, but at some point, you guys should realize that, wasting your time like this, is completely worthless. There is really no way for me to stop you, but i will contact Staff about the situation if you guys keep it up like that. Just leave me in peace already.

  4. DryRain: BwA said:

    2 years vs. 5 months; close enough. Gl though