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DemomanMedicScoutSoldier  Mid Skill, 6v6

Finland BitComet

Posted: | Last Online:

lovable finn free to a good home

good english, can go rally
can do trick (jump, roll over, play dead)
can fetch enemy gamer
decent with leash
likes to play around with sticks and balls too

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:97966419 Add Friend

Team History

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Joined ΞNIGMA [6v6] Sword's
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Joined Good Enough [Highlander] Larath
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  1. Sacrilege: Mq. said:

    woof woof poika

  2. Villdjack: (twisted) - :think: said:


  3. Sacrilege: Mq. said:


  4. Twisted: :think: - GRAHAM said:


  5. Haku: SUPO - GRAHAM said:

    Good pupper, stays on leash nicely and will sit when you tell him to.

    Pick him up before he is all sold out.

  6. supra: (Webmaster) - BIRD - BIRD said:
