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Medic  High/Mid Skill, 6v6

Denmark Klarra

Posted: | Last Online:

looking for main spot

i can scrim everyday if needed :))

i also hit god like arrows

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:117479679 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Joined TUGGAWAR [2v2] Not Steven
Joined Mr McVities, Grandstanding HobNobs [6v6] Whip
Left ain't no way [6v6] Klarra
Joined ain't no way [6v6] flaresh
Left Oracle [6v6] Klarra
Joined Oracle [6v6] Apollo
Left o7 Burst [6v6] Klarra
Left Balance Brawlers [6v6 Fun Team] Klarra
Joined o7 Burst [6v6] Klarra
Left PBS 6s [6v6] Klarra
Joined Just a Rabbit [Highlander] Bear
Left PBS [Highlander] Klarra
Joined Balance Brawlers [6v6 Fun Team] Em
Joined PBS 6s [6v6] Klarra
Left The Lasters [6v6] Rave
Joined The Lasters [6v6] Rave
Left 9:07:38.21 [6v6] Klarra
Joined 9:07:38.21 [6v6] Haveiyk
Left Grant Vincent Appreciation Club [6v6] Klarra
Joined PBS [Highlander] Strike
Joined Grant Vincent Appreciation Club [6v6] Klarra
Left Mr McVities, Grandstanding HobNobs [6v6] Klarra
Joined Mr McVities, Grandstanding HobNobs [6v6] Whip
Left The Fire Nation [6v6] Klarra
Joined The Fire Nation [6v6] doug
Left fresh heh [6v6 Fun Team] Sodium
Left Red Head Falcons [Highlander] Nero101
Joined fresh heh [6v6 Fun Team] jjjakub
Joined Red Head Falcons [Highlander] Pinkie
Left r/NDY [6v6] Klarra
Joined r/NDY [6v6] Klarra
Left Beefed Shot [6v6] Klarra
Joined Beefed Shot [6v6] OakenTree
Left Mercury [6v6] Klarra
Joined Mercury [6v6] Rev
Left ... [Highlander] Anon
Joined ... [Highlander] Anon
Left Moist Fortress [6v6] Klarra
Joined Moist Fortress [6v6] Klarra

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View High/Mid 10 471
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  1. Sivik: Pander - Pander said:

    Okay so, this dude has only played open in a questionable team. However I rate him highly for his exp. Hes a strong medic and a great person to have on your team. Like the dude has talent and can go pretty far given the chance. Low will be a great place for him to push himself to perform. Honestly for any low team looking for a medic. Stop looking message him coz you won’t get an offer like him again. Could easily help you get low playoffs or at least a strong position on the tables.

    Pick this degenerate up.

  2. Basil said:

    Scrimmed against him sometimes, has great gamesense and positioning for sure. He’s also keen to learn and improve, I’d say he’s a must-have standard for a medic. Trial him, you won’t regret it

  3. Kars said:

    gl finding team bud

  4. kcr: cooking - beans said:


  5. regen: o7 said:

    “chill” and “nice”

    also needs some positioning workening that needs ironing out but other than that, solid imo

  6. BoxOfHats: PBSK said:

    top lad with 10/10 medigun aim. he good, boi.

  7. Soul: CHX said:

    get this man a team that can protect him so this doesnt happen https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-tOuekkSf0Q

  8. bobby: MAFIA - op_sqd said:

    keen as fuck!!

  9. froz: G^ said:

    add me up:)

  10. kren: - 256 said:

    boi is keen and ready for low