ETF2L is looking for new Staff to recruit! Are you interested in supporting the league? Then click here for more details on what we can offer and how to apply! 


Soldier  High/Mid Skill, 6v6

UnitedKingdom kabuto

Posted: | Last Online:

Roaming Soldier,

Played 5+ seasons from open – mid, 2 insomnia LANs, looking to reach mid playoffs this time :)

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:80674624 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Joined IQ Dip Zone [6v6] kabuto
Left McDonalds Vegetable Deluxe Burger [6v6] kabuto
Left yes [1v1] kabuto
Joined McDonalds Vegetable Deluxe Burger [6v6] kabuto
Left Dixie and the Shouty Humans [6v6] kabuto
Joined Dixie and the Shouty Humans [LAN Team] JENNY
Left KaoS eSports LAN [LAN Team] kabuto
Joined Dixie and the Shouty Humans [6v6] JENNY
Left Autistic Airshot Artisans [6v6] kabuto
Joined Autistic Airshot Artisans [6v6] kabuto
Left Complexity.Vol2 [6v6] D3DICATION
Joined Complexity.Vol2 [6v6] D3DICATION
Left pwn! [6v6] kabuto
Joined pwn! [6v6] navewindre
Left KaoS eSports [6v6] kabuto
Joined KaoS eSports [6v6] streep36
Left pwn! [6v6] kabuto
Joined pwn! [6v6] navewindre
Left KaoS eSports [6v6] kabuto
Joined KaoS eSports LAN [LAN Team] WML
Joined KaoS eSports [6v6] WML
Left Dead Game, Dead Meme [6v6] kabuto
Left Ex-Asiafortress Players [2v2] Shuffles_
Joined Ex-Asiafortress Players [2v2] Shuffles_
Joined Dead Game, Dead Meme [6v6] kabuto
Left SEGA  Mixtape  / 2001\ [6v6] kabuto
Joined yes [1v1] kabuto
Joined SEGA  Mixtape  / 2001\ [6v6] kabuto
Left Happy Waifu, Happy Laifu [6v6] kabuto
Joined Happy Waifu, Happy Laifu [6v6] Bloodis
Left Happy Waifu, Happy Laifu [6v6] kabuto
Joined Happy Waifu, Happy Laifu [6v6] kabuto
Left Yes! We're Open [6v6] kabuto
Joined Yes! We're Open [6v6] JENNY
Left We're Goin' Ham [6v6] kabuto
Joined We're Goin' Ham [6v6] kabuto

Previous Recruitment Posts

View Skill Classes Views Added
View Mid 13 475
View Open 0 142
View Open 0 216
View Open 0 264


  1. kat: ︻デ═一 said:

    good dm, lovely person, very cute 0w0
    ty for unusual

  2. Shuffles_: TC said:

    Good lad.
    Does well in his role

  3. Ascend: (ETF2L Donator) - Xypher said:

    cool and epic

  4. [blank]: [DA] - [DA] said:

    absolute GAMER, get him in your mid playoff team NOW before someone else does

  5. Nudl said:

    cool and nice

  6. Stuffed: gun said:

    add for an insane roamer and whatever bullshit he spills from his mouth.

  7. JENNY: MPREG - DBLE said:

    *notices rec post* OwO whats this? *tackleglomps you* daddy ninlop looking for a team, wowzers :3 *gives daddy a hairy fondle* pls giv the nin a good team UwU he deserves

    awoooooooo :3333

  8. Steve said:

    Decent Roamer, Has a tendency to walk forward constantly but definitely improved a lot since I first met him, definitely worth a trial at least, Give him a chance!