ETF2L is looking for new Staff to recruit! Are you interested in supporting the league? Then click here for more details on what we can offer and how to apply! 


Demoman  Low/Open Skill, 6v6 Fun Team

BosniaHerzegovina No Littering

Posted by Snowyboye: | Last Online:

looking for a keen top open demo sub, I doubt you'll get too much playtime sadly but you'll get a cool medal at the end of the season and probably like 1-2 matches every 1-2 weeks.

– keen to learn, please no ego mains
– decent DM, that's something you can work on easily
– flexible schedule
– good mic pls

experience would be nice but not completely necessary

add me if you're interested in the spot

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  1. PuregoldSTF said:

    Scout main with 1968 hours in tf2 here, but little experience in comp, and interested in learning. I can offclass to Pyro and sniper, but never played comp as either.

  2. PuregoldSTF said:

    Also, I am free most days for the next six weeks, maybe more, so I’m up to play whenever, and since I know little about comp I really want to learn. Also yes, I have a reasonably good mic.

  3. PuregoldSTF said:

    My steam name is T0X1C by the way.

  4. Hannes: yerbaby said:

    Can you make it into a 6on6 team already???

  5. Snowyboye said:


  6. PuregoldSTF said:

    Tried adding you on steam but keep getting a ‘Error adding friend. Please try again.’

  7. Snowyboye said:


  8. Snowyboye said:

    still need solid subhumans