ETF2L is looking for new Staff to recruit! Are you interested in supporting the league? Then click here for more details on what we can offer and how to apply! 


DemomanEngineerHeavyMedicPyroScoutSniperSoldierSpy  Open Skill, Highlander

European BeanTeam

Posted by That Gibus Guy: | Last Online:

We are a new highlander team for season 16. We accept new players as long as you meet our requirements:

1. Have a working microphone.
2. Have a willingness to work as a team and improve.
3. Enjoy memes

Comment here, add fish or That Gibus Guy on steam, or join our discord server to contact us. https://discord.gg/KjhCN5x

Team Profile

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  1. Fish said:

    Hey, still looking for people, possible mains and also subs! I’m here all day so don’t feel shy to add me… We’ll have our first trial scrims today at 21 CET!

  2. Nepal: TEMU said:

    Yo i search a team to play pyro (or engie) :)

  3. kikogeva said:

    Hey i am main soldier can i join to your team

  4. The Aids master said:

    Hi, I am a Soldier, Scout and Sniper main. Im willing to join your team and have some fun. If interested add me on steam :D

  5. Blackie: \AW/ said:

    Hello there, i am a main Scout, Heavy, Engineer
    I’m willing to have some fun time with you guys
    I can participate on every single scrim / mixes etc.
    Unfortunatelly my account is F2P so i can’t add people

  6. AlesKee: MM25 said:


  7. Fish said:

    Here to bump the message that we’re still looking for all kinds of mains and potential subs! Join today! :)

  8. samii: myx - SUCK said:

    mentored by me so get inside here boys

  9. Magistr: Nein said:

    oh boiiii

  10. AlesKee: MM25 said:


  11. source said:

    Medic main, i fufill your requirements

  12. AlesKee: MM25 said:


  13. Idontno said:

    i can sub med, demo or scout 2700+ hours

  14. Sprasty: OSW - wL. said:

    I don’t like memes But I can trial if you want

  15. Fish said:

    Still looking for (main): Sniper and Spy. Others are still welcome to join as we’ll need to get the sub list filled as well.

  16. samii: myx - SUCK said:

    Hi I’d like to coach

  17. • Kiss me. said:

    I’m main spy. I can play

  18. lil red riding hood: swole. said:

    im high scout wna fuck around as sniper if u want sometimes but my 6s priority

  19. dis-patch said:

    I’m a pyro and I want to be a sub

  20. Shittey said:

    Hey I would really love to join the team if there is any space left!

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