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EngineerHeavyScoutSoldier  Mid/Open Skill, Highlander

Estonia John Cena

Posted: | Last Online:

bored of other games,want to dick around @ silver ugc

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:248182584 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Joined ManShaft United [6v6] Wilderhammer
Left Nervous as Hell [6v6] John Cena
Joined Nervous as Hell [6v6] Harry
Left TH3 H0L1 W33D B1BL3 [6v6] John Cena
Joined TH3 H0L1 W33D B1BL3 [6v6] tikkeh
Left SNAIDS [6v6] John Cena
Joined midilla reformed [6v6 Fun Team] kirisame
Joined SNAIDS [6v6] Kanga
Left Estonia [National 6v6 Team] John Cena
Left TH3 H0L1 W33D B1BL3 [6v6] John Cena
Left Complete Guesswork [Highlander] John Cena
Joined Complete Guesswork [Highlander] Dowel
Left Xenon [Highlander] John Cena
Joined Xenon [Highlander] Kimo
Joined TH3 H0L1 W33D B1BL3 [6v6] shinso
Left The Aesthetics Crew [6v6] Mars
Joined Estonia [National 6v6 Team] varnu
Left 9IX [Highlander] John Cena
Joined The Aesthetics Crew [6v6] Hellblazer
Left Bikini Bottom Gym [6v6] John Cena
Joined 9IX [Highlander] sinr
Left Lekker9 [Highlander] John Cena
Joined Bikini Bottom Gym [6v6] shinso
Joined Lekker9 [Highlander] messy
Left WHYLANDER [Highlander] John Cena
Left batmans minecraft cave [6v6] John Cena
Joined batmans minecraft cave [6v6] habeef
Left TH3 H0L1 W33D B1BL3 [6v6] John Cena
Left Cult Of Ivan [Highlander] John Cena
Joined Cult Of Ivan [Highlander] mellow
Left OUTER HEAVEN [Highlander] John Cena
Joined TH3 H0L1 W33D B1BL3 [6v6] shinso
Joined OUTER HEAVEN [Highlander] unk1nd.
Left Valhalla [Highlander] John Cena
Joined Valhalla [Highlander] shinso
Left Xenon [Highlander] John Cena
Left Homos From Holland [6v6] John Cena
Joined Homos From Holland [6v6] Mike Rotch
Left John [6v6] John Cena
Joined John [6v6] Kimo
Left The Jens Weber Society [6v6] Tamir
Joined The Jens Weber Society [6v6] Tamir
Left Village Idiots [6v6] John Cena
Joined Xenon [Highlander] Kimo
Left Muumit eSports [Highlander] John Cena
Joined Muumit eSports [Highlander] Lurkki
Left Valhalla [Highlander] viking
Joined Valhalla [Highlander] shinso
Joined Village Idiots [6v6] Wilderhammer
Left Xenon [Highlander] John Cena
Left The Shaggers Club [6v6] John Cena
Left Akisora fan club [6v6 Fun Team] John Cena
Joined Xenon [Highlander] Icewind
Left 9 Goons [Highlander] John Cena
Joined 9 Goons [Highlander] M8Doge
Joined The Shaggers Club [6v6] Stylax
Left omega dead [Highlander] John Cena
Joined Akisora fan club [6v6 Fun Team] John Cena
Joined omega dead [Highlander] John Cena
Left Xenon [Highlander] John Cena
Left Zophor [6v6 Fun Team] John Cena
Left edgyboy [1v1] John Cena
Left god tier autism [2v2] John Cena
Joined Zophor [6v6 Fun Team] stexer
Joined Xenon [Highlander] Icewind
Left estonian rap [6v6] John Cena
Left Dignity Zero [Highlander] John Cena
Joined estonian rap [6v6] BreaDMV
Left verbfusion [6v6] John Cena
Joined Dignity Zero [Highlander] Bliss
Left dead [Highlander] John Cena
Joined edgyboy [1v1] John Cena
Joined god tier autism [2v2] John Cena
Joined verbfusion [6v6] Bycoon
Joined dead [Highlander] Bliss
Left Estonia [National Highlander Team] John Cena
Left nobrain demomain [1v1] John Cena
Left rofl who even plays bball [2v2] John Cena
Left The Worst Game Ever [6v6] John Cena
Left Selective Attention [Highlander] FoxC
Joined rofl who even plays bball [2v2] stexer
Left UGC HL SILVER [6v6 Fun Team] John Cena
Joined Estonia [National Highlander Team] TheNewbie
Joined Selective Attention [Highlander] FoxC
Left Kevin eSports 2.0 [Highlander] John Cena
Joined UGC HL SILVER [6v6 Fun Team] 30.06
Joined The Worst Game Ever [6v6] Nightmare
Left Randavad Raimed [6v6] John Cena
Joined Kevin eSports 2.0 [Highlander] Akuma
Left Ginyu -Reborn [Highlander] John Cena
Joined Ginyu -Reborn [Highlander] Nabla
Left baltic faggots [2v2] John Cena
Left LobbylordZ [6v6 Fun Team] sasami
Joined Randavad Raimed [6v6] Konna
Joined baltic faggots [2v2] Bycoon
Joined nobrain demomain [1v1] John Cena
Left Clinical autism [6v6] NURWHAL
Joined Clinical autism [6v6] yugo
Left PrankArmy [6v6] John Cena
Left Abusement Park [Highlander] John Cena
Joined PrankArmy [6v6] -villejh-
Joined Abusement Park [Highlander] Zorlix
Joined LobbylordZ [6v6 Fun Team] Strike

Previous Recruitment Posts

View Skill Classes Views Added
View Mid 9 207
View Low 0 110
View High/Mid 5 816
View High 4 773
View Mid 3 578
View High 2 388
View High 18 1143
View Mid 3 391
View Mid 6 388
View Mid 9 531
View Mid 13 615
View High 1 329
View Mid 6 801
View High/Mid 12 647
View High/Mid 20 950
View High 7 838
View Mid 6 536
View Mid 11 773
View High 15 783
View High 31 1123
View High 40 1477
View Mid 20 1045
View Mid 3 393
View Prem 21 1123
View Open 4 474
View Mid 25 1053
View Open 16 842


  1. mellow said:

    add him on snapchat

  2. tikkeh: MPREG said:

    he hits that protein more than he eats
    he hits the gym more than he talks to his friends

  3. Faisal: :think: said:


  4. samii: myx - SUCK said:

    What’s this you’ve said to me, my good friend? Ill have you know I graduated top of my class in conflict resolution, and Ive been involved in numerous friendly discussions, and I have over 300 confirmed friends. I am trained in polite discussions and I’m the top mediator in the entire neighborhood. You are worth more to me than just another target. I hope we will come to have a friendship never before seen on this Earth. Don’t you think you might be hurting someone’s feelings saying that over the internet? Think about it, my friend. As we speak I am contacting my good friends across the USA and your P.O. box is being traced right now so you better prepare for the greeting cards, friend. The greeting cards that help you with your hate. You should look forward to it, friend. I can be anywhere, anytime for you, and I can calm you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my chess set. Not only am I extensively trained in conflict resolution, but I have access to the entire group of my friends and I will use them to their full extent to start our new friendship. If only you could have known what kindness and love your little comment was about to bring you, maybe you would have reached out sooner. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now we get to start a new friendship, you unique person. I will give you gifts and you might have a hard time keeping up. You’re finally living, friend.

  5. Lurkki: SCOOPER - MUUMIT said:

    best gamer in Estonia (if that means anything)

  6. Popcorp said:

    ^ Hol’ Up there Kid cmonBruh

  7. John Cena: Brett said:

    ^ not even in nations feelsbadman

  8. shinso said:

    bery naisu gamer

  9. Gorzum said:

    Don’t even talk to him or his son ever again

  10. Bycoon said:

    best ultiduo team ever

  11. stexer: KKK said:

    best bball team ever

  12. BaaBo: 124 - -Xe- said:

    great guy for dicking around in silver

  13. Nightmare: AVN said:

    In the age of normies the world was boring, shrouded by tryhards. A league of brainless players, pyro mains and edgy trickstabbing spies. But then there was autism and with autism came memes. Vacc and über, amby and dead ringer and of course, normies and autism. Then from the autism, they came, and found memes within the flame. nightmare, the first of the vaccinator, sasami and his spaghet, strike and his faithful questionmark picture avatar. And the furtive lemon, so easily forgotten.

    With the strength of autism they challenged a polish team. Strike’s mighty rockets peeled apart their flank. nightmare weaved great vacc bubbles. Lemon unleashed a miasma of autism and cancer. And polarium betrayed his own, and the estonians were no more. Thus began the age of autism.

  14. John Cena: Brett said:

    haha bump