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ScoutSpy  High/Mid Skill, Highlander

Italy 20grams

Posted: | Last Online:

Hey guys i'm looking for a good team to play in ugc silver or plat, feel free to contact and trial me.

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:100768175 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Left Italy [National 6v6 Team] croix
Left SENSATION [Highlander] laiky
Joined Italy [National Highlander Team] croix
Joined SENSATION [Highlander] Dave_IR8
Left BANK HEI$T [Highlander] 20grams
Joined Italy [National 6v6 Team] croix
Joined BANK HEI$T [Highlander] Basil
Left Nicer Nice Guys [Highlander] 20grams
Joined takeshi's traphouse [6v6] narkkari
Left Coffin Clan [6v6] 20grams
Joined Nicer Nice Guys [Highlander] koloda3
Left BANK HEI$T [Highlander] 20grams
Joined Coffin Clan [6v6] dqz
Left entro ᴀɴᴛᴏɴʏ esco Ɇ₦₮ⱧO₦l [6v6] 20grams
Joined VINELLOTECH [6v6 Fun Team] croix
Joined BANK HEI$T [Highlander] 20grams
Left Victory Road [Highlander] 20grams
Joined entro ᴀɴᴛᴏɴʏ esco Ɇ₦₮ⱧO₦l [6v6] sasami
Joined Victory Road [Highlander] sasami
Left ENTRO DI PESO NON MI HANNO MAI PRESO [Highlander] 20grams
Left Placeholder [6v6] 20grams
Joined Placeholder [6v6] .strix
Left Ice Hotel [6v6] ult1mate
Joined ENTRO DI PESO NON MI HANNO MAI PRESO [Highlander] 20grams
Joined Ice Hotel [6v6] Morgan
Left Terra Dei Fuochi [Highlander] 20grams
Joined Terra Dei Fuochi [Highlander] Gegia
Left Victory Road [Highlander] sasami
Joined Victory Road [Highlander] sasami
Left eZ eSports [6v6] 20grams
Joined eZ eSports [6v6] Hist3rim
Left ImPulse [6v6] .strix
Joined ImPulse [6v6] .strix
Left Ginyu -Reborn [Highlander] 20grams
Joined Ginyu -Reborn [Highlander] Max Vultur
Left Ciambelle [Highlander] 20grams
Left Pizza's boys [2v2] Emancipator
Joined Ciambelle [Highlander] Riky
Left ClockWork [Highlander] Emancipator
Joined ClockWork [Highlander] Emancipator
Left Floω [Highlander] 20grams
Joined Pizza's boys [2v2] Emancipator
Joined Floω [Highlander] iamzhevor

Previous Recruitment Posts

View Skill Classes Views Added
View Prem/High 13 735
View Prem/High 0 199
View Prem 13 852
View Prem 3 462
View High/Mid 12 549
View Mid 2 435
View High/Mid 8 709
View Mid 8 880


  1. croix: traphouse - inVincible said:

    true god

  2. Morgan: [R]eason said:

    the real best spy in italy

  3. alba: KT said:

    amazing spy weed_legend_420

  4. robin said:


  5. Hist3rim: eZ said:


  6. .strix: YOYO - iK said:

    true fabri fibra skills

  7. Sprasty: OSW - wL. said:

    pretty good spy, having a challange for who is going to be the spy for the national tho :o

  8. Morgan: [R]eason said:

    despite the fact that we already know the answer

  9. Sprasty: OSW - wL. said:

    If it’s your friend it’s ok, I’m not here to judge, just saying that is a challange, going for high next season I guess, so, if it’s so c., see you in high :)

  10. khamba said:

    This player played in 11 matches

  11. khamba said:

    This player played in 68 matches

  12. 20grams: traphouse said:

    Premettendo che non me ne frega un cazzo chi è la “best italian spy” e che frega cazzi se le persone vanno in high mid pub o prem, la skill non si conta su queste cose perchè a sto punto ti faccio la lista della gente scrausa in mid o in high. (: Phil sei un parto non che bot a pedali, prima di parlare degli altri di giudicare gli altri “1h1h1 11 match 1hh1 1000 match ” guardati un attimo e fatti qualche domanda sul perchè fai così cagare su questo gioco. “eh ma io vado in prem la next season 1h1hh1”. Se non sono in prem è solo perchè non ho conoscenze e non ho tempo. Detto ciò ti consiglio caldamente di non continuare a commentare se non vuoi essere riempito di merda fino alla punta dei capelli. (:

  13. khamba said:

    Bot a pedali. Dai non maddare solo perchè ho fatto copypaste su dei match di etf2l, che tra l’altro non erano neanche riferiti a te. Ma al tuo amichetto Otoking che l’unica cosa che sa fare è leccare il culo ad ogni persona esistente.

  14. HeeSang: L9 said:

    good at spy mge

  15. 20grams: traphouse said:

    si vabe basta con ste porcate che arriva anche la gente tumorosa poi a commentare tipo sto coso qui del vostro team. thx

  16. croix: traphouse - inVincible said:

    bella phil non ti smentisci mai

  17. khamba said:

    big autism

  18. alba: KT said:

    italian drama ??????