ETF2L is looking for new Staff to recruit! Are you interested in supporting the league? Then click here for more details on what we can offer and how to apply! 


EngineerPyroScout  High/Mid Skill, Highlander

European Uchodzcy sa mile widziani w Polsce

Posted by Klin: | Last Online:

Looking for sub scout pyro, potential main engie , s15 mid
Aiming for a top 3 finish, therefore you must have mid exp .
Not aiming to play lots, maybe 1 or 2 scrims a week.
Prioritising 6s over Hl is fine.
If we are good enough we will play high.

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  1. MoreBuckets! said:


  2. Klin said:

    just heavy now

  3. Klin said:

    bump, scout please

  4. Klin said:

    still looking

  5. Klin said:

    still looking

  6. Klin said:

    subs now please

  7. AngelJenx said:

    sniper/spy, prefer sniper

  8. samii: myx - SUCK said:

    switchblades cocaine

  9. Klin said:

    still looking for subs, In particular DEMO

  10. Alcat said:

    if you are still looking for a spy/pyro/sniper hit me up http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198202085200/

  11. Klin said:


  12. Klin said:

    BUMP, looking for potential Engie trials as well as subs for: