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Scout  Mid/Open Skill, 6v6

Norway Jokimty

Posted: | Last Online:

Looking for a team that regularly scrims
I already have 2 seasons of comp as a pocket scout
Finished just barely out of playoffs in S28.
Prefer to play pocket scout but playing flank is fine.
I've got good DM, especially against soldiers cause playing pocket scout does that to you.
IF I don't find a team I'll be someone's sub, so even if you don't have a main spot open, just add me anyways.

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:170725475 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Left Impulse [6v6] Jokimty
Joined Impulse [6v6] .strix
Left Team pom [6v6] dogsdiner
Left Kakashi is our religion [Highlander] mattikus
Joined Kakashi is our religion [Highlander] akachu
Joined Team pom [6v6] dogsdiner

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  1. mattikus said:

    Big Boi Joki 8) 8) 8)

  2. dogsdiner: PitO. said:

    Will clean up better than a vacuum cleaner if he’s on a good team. Chill and friendly too. Pick him up!