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MedicSpy  Mid/Open Skill, Highlander

England Fear the Medic

Posted: | Last Online:

I'm looking for a high/prem spy to teach me how to play spy properly. Involves reviewing my demos and spectating while I play so I can understand how to get better. Add me on steamcommunity.com/id/fearthemedic/ if interested.

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:144915598 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Left Drug Mosquitoes [Highlander] Fabeure
Joined Drug Mosquitoes [Highlander] Fabeure
Left Men In Flannel [Highlander] Biba
Joined Men In Flannel [Highlander] Biba
Left Ghastlierest Gibus [Highlander] Fear the Medic
Joined Ghastlierest Gibus [Highlander] seion

Previous Recruitment Posts

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View Low/Open 1 321
View Low/Open 14 632
View Mid 23 796
View Open 4 393
View Mid/Open 3 349
View Mid 17 500
View Mid/Open 39 1144
View Open 2 364


  1. nik: L9 said:

    -rep puts pregame frags in frag movie

  2. HeeSang: L9 said:


  3. blayze said:


  4. AlesKee: MM25 said:


  5. Blanc: 43 said:

    Every backstab of his is a trickstab. Truly a ‘fearful’ person.

  6. Kenny: PETER :) - TC said:


  7. messy: HIV+ - L9 said:

    the GAMER

  8. AustinN: SC - GRAHAM said:

    Absolute God !!!11!!!!!11111!!!!!!!!

  9. proky: G - MM25 said:

    low open

  10. FoxC: GIEL - S-A said:

    Let’s face it, and I’m not being funny, I mean no disrespect;

    This guy could barely even manage 600 HPM or a 1.0 KAD in a pub or lobby when he first claimed to be ready for prem Medic. Either he is/was a delusional child or he’s the only person I’m aware of who is better at baiting with a persona than me.

    Think about it. Imagine the kind of perseverance it would take to fake sucking so badly at so many lobbies, putting up with almost exclusively abysmal TF2Center performances while also pretending to be a toxic child just to sell this prem recruitment post joke/flamebait successfully. That would be bloody impressive.

    He has since evolved from complete potato Medic to reasonably Open/Steel Medic although I highly doubt he’ll ever be part of a winning roster. I don’t think this person is remotely capable of playing anything else on an acceptable level in competitive.

    I can always ask my best friend (arguably best prem spy EU) mezzo to mentor you on Spy if you want. I’ll get him in here for you later today. :3

  11. mental: 46DPM - DORF said:


  12. sun said:


  13. FoxC: GIEL - S-A said:


  14. Fear the Medic said:

    Foxy the autist xd

  15. Bliss: DMX - BRIT said:

    Foxy has autism true however Fear is the living embodiment of autism. Just ask blaze :P

  16. Fear the Medic said:

    Pretty autistic thing to say if I’m honest. ^

  17. FoxC: GIEL - S-A said:

    Looks like your comebacks are still just as weak as your gameplay.

  18. Fear the Medic said:

    Remember when I asked for your opinion? Me neither.