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MedicScoutSoldier  Open Skill, 6v6

European WHOA MAMA

Posted by Snow: | Last Online:

New Team Looking To Participate In S27 Preseason Cup And In S27 Itself.
We Need Scouts, Medic And A Pocket.
Were Looking For Players Who Are Decent And Are Looking To Improve.
Add Me Preferebly But Pls Comment Before Doing So.

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  1. sadden said:

    hey there, looking to play med/scout.
    im pretty new to comp, looking to find somewhere to improve.
    i have 500h on tf2, 55h on medic, and 50h on scout.
    i’m pretty young (14) and my voice is kinda squeaky, but i tend not to rage or shout so hopefully thats ok.

  2. lewuz said:

    Hi, I’m looking to play as a pocket/roamer.
    I’m new to comp amd I would like to improve my skill.
    over 1000 hours in tf2

  3. Tutomek2000 said:

    I can play scout if u still need one
    3000+ hours and some experience in comp
    Here’s my main account http://steamcommunity.com/id/706375
    (I’ve posted this comment from my alt)

  4. NiCoW: SHAG said:

    Hi I played medic 3 seasons, 2 in etf2l and 1 in ugc. I have over 2000h and 200h medic. I am looking for hi open/low med.

    I am a friendly player, playing from Germany with good computer and connection. I have microphone and join discord or mumble regularly. I speak English, French and German.

    I would like to improve as a medic and play for win, despite I am not or rager nor a tryhard. I am in the older part of the community and I am also looking for fun :)

    I am available during the week from 20:00 to 22:00, and week end rather Sunday.

    I can also sub scout or pocket, but less experience.

    Please contact me on my steam account http://steamcommunity.com/id/nicolas_lux/ and let´s make a trial :)

  5. Dark Fire said:

    Hey there, i’m a medic thats looking to inprove/get into comp, got over like 4700 hours, ’bout 300hrs(?) have been medic and i’ve got a mic, i’m up in scotland.

    You can contract me over on steam: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198033762881/


  6. Cryo said:

    Hi, I have 2500 hours in tf2 and 110 hours in scout and would love to play for your team!
    I speak english ( sorry about my scottish accent ). I am 14 so my voice is a bit high but that wont hold me back!

    You can contact me on here or on steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/SmishMashDash/

  7. Tupolev: CAKE said:

    Hello there!

    I would like to play as pocket. I have around 50 hrs as soldier and can rocket jump well and protect the medic. Also 1000+ overall.

    I am looking to improve my skill in this team, I have a mic but I do have a high voice, due to me being 13, but that will not stop me playing. I speak fluent English and I do not tend to shout or rage. I am also not toxic nor salty in anyway. I know most rollouts on maps, the optimum loadouts pocket while also being a good team player. I hope this persuades you to add me on this team.

    Thank you!!!


  8. Tupolev: CAKE said:

    Oops! forgot to include my steam.

  9. BlindChaosPanda said:

    Wanna be a SCOUT!

  10. Dezamonkey said:

    Looking to play scout/sub roamer. Hours don’t really matter, but have played lots of lobbies so I know what I’m doing.
