ETF2L is looking for new Staff to recruit! Are you interested in supporting the league? Then click here for more details on what we can offer and how to apply! 


Soldier  High Skill, 6v6

Ireland eskimo

Posted: | Last Online:


looking for a team that will help me to reach my goals of becoming a god

i am also very interested in the development of a team to reaching its full potential

i am extremely keen and would be hoping to make playoffs

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:60894359 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Left Ireland [National 6v6 Team] dempsey
Left Garda Panteri [6v6] Condawg
Joined Garda Panteri [6v6] Buud
Left nunya [6v6] eskimo
Joined nunya [6v6] amp-t
Joined Ireland [National 6v6 Team] Crayon
Left mgedojo [6v6] eskimo
Joined mgedojo [6v6] hemp
Left ComedyShortsGaming [6v6] Condawg
Joined ComedyShortsGaming [6v6] amppis
Left Ora Elektro [6v6] eskimo
Joined Ora Elektro [6v6] Eemes
Left Ora Elektro [6v6] eskimo
Joined Ora Elektro [6v6] Nevo
Left top5rocket [6v6] eskimo
Joined top5rocket [6v6] Ombrack
Left Ora Elektro [6v6] eskimo
Joined Ireland [National Highlander Team] Crayon
Joined Ora Elektro [6v6] hemp
Left mad decent [6v6] eskimo
Joined mad decent [6v6] Jin
Left Deox fan club [6v6] eskimo
Joined Deox fan club [6v6] celvn
Left Placeholder xD [6v6] eskimo
Joined Placeholder xD [6v6] Gigi
Left CLAC CLAN [6v6] eskimo
Joined IRA MGE UNIT [2v2] Lanzer
Joined eskimo [1v1] eskimo
Joined CLAC CLAN [6v6] kerrm73
Left Midnight 6s [6v6] eskimo
Joined Midnight 6s [6v6] equal
Left ramm [6v6] eskimo
Joined ramm [6v6] Triangle

Previous Recruitment Posts

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View Prem 16 1040
View Prem 5 537
View Prem 13 959
View Prem 11 979
View Prem 17 1404
View Open 0 374
View Prem 0 235
View Prem/High 6 658
View Prem/High 29 1575
View High 21 1074
View High 8 530
View High 21 1112
View High 13 646
View Mid 0 426
View Open 3 446


  1. celvn: SVIFT said:

    EIRE gamer

  2. Kenny: PETER :) - TC said:

    10x better than Eire Hype. But you’ll still do fuckin nothin