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DemomanScoutSoldier  Open Skill, 6v6

Estonia GalaxyLime

Posted: | Last Online:

Hey, I'm looking for a 6s team to play in! :D

I've played 2 seasons in etf2l (open and div6) and 2 seasons in UGC (steel and silver) as spy.
I also have +200 lobbies in tf2center.
So yeah, about 6s… I have played 6s scrims as a merc to my friend before, but that's not enough and I'd like to play in a 6s team. :P

I would prefer to play as demoman since it's my secondary main class. Also I should be really good in rollouts since I can probably complete atleast over 75% of the demo jump maps. If you want some proof, then you could check out my youtube channel :D

But anyways… I can play scout or soldier as well. (got +40 000 tryhard points in panda community hightower servers and played several lobbies as them :)

So yeah, thanks for reading this piece of not that great of a post, hope you'll have the best luck in creating a 6s team :)

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One Comment

  1. Anus Stretcher said:

    he is radiation