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Spy  Mid/Open Skill, Highlander

Romania Runyx

Posted: | Last Online:

Looking for a open/mid EU team to play spy
Tf2 hours at the making of this post: 1732 hrs
Spy hours at the making of this post: 773.3 hrs

Comp experience:
UGC Season 15 NA Iron [shit team]
UGC Season 17 EU Iron [shit team]
UGC Season 18 EU Iron [first actual good team i had – 3rd place]
UGC Season 19 EU Steel

lol hl

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:216047411 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Joined Generous and Young Stars [6v6] Giova
Left webo [6v6] AustinN
Joined az cant make thurs sry [Highlander] Phlogic
Left Medpicking Medic [Highlander] Runyx
Joined webo [6v6] AustinN
Left webo [6v6] AustinN
Joined webo [6v6] AustinN
Joined Medpicking Medic [Highlander] TeemoTheScientist
Left .ok. [6v6] Runyx
Left Messed up minds [Highlander] Runyx
Joined Messed up minds [Highlander] Scott
Joined .ok. [6v6] layla
Left Default [Highlander] Yuyu
Joined Default [Highlander] Yuyu

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  1. Gorzum said:

    Has a solid Steel level, should be up to win Open by the time S11 starts

  2. Zack Fair: STACK said:

    good iron player :)

  3. Runyx: ICUP - az said:

    iron is aids, not going back there m8

  4. Urulok: sR! said:

    play on platinum!

  5. blayze said:

    Hes good at killing

  6. blayze said:

    He’s good at killing.

  7. Popkern: BE. said:

    [shit team]

  8. mellow said:

    Solid Steel from what I’ve seen (which is not much).

  9. TeemoTheScientist: 8===D said:

    He is good at feeding info, amby aim and sapper timing, dont grab him if your team cant frag well