ETF2L is looking for new Staff to recruit! Are you interested in supporting the league? Then click here for more details on what we can offer and how to apply! 


HeavyPyroScoutSoldierSpy  Open Skill, Highlander

International Turtlegang

Posted by RekT: | Last Online:

We need players who are willing to play in the next season (season 11).
You must have atleast 400 h on tf2 and know basic stuff about your role in the team.
You do not need prior season experience but you need to have played atleast a few lobbies or pugs to be in the team.
You also need to be able to speak english.

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  1. Raming Maming said:

    169 lobbies, 1050 hours, scout/pyro main, subbed for a highlander team as pyro, played alot of mixes as scout. I know the different roles of every class.

  2. InTheBeef said:

    3.3k Hours and 24 Lobbies played, looking to main medic, was with a Highlander team recently but they disbanded so :/

  3. Dasty said:

    not 400hours, but u can test me if u want, main spy

  4. PinkSheep said:

    15 lobbies, 474 hours, looking to scout main.

  5. Corn said:

    Willing to play scottish resis. demo, extensive training with scott. on w/ points, note extensive training on every point, only listing ones i’ve gotten successful with:
    CP Yukon, first, 2nd.
    CP Badlands, Mid.
    CP Grainary, 1 Mid. entrance, 4th, first.
    CP Well, Mid., 4th.

    Steam Name: Cpt. Corndog LFT | trade.tf

  6. Corn said:

    Willing to play scottish resis. demo, extensive training with scott. on w/ points, note extensive training on every point, only listing ones i’ve gotten successful with:
    CP Yukon, first, 2nd.
    CP Badlands, Mid.
    CP Grainary, 1 Mid. entrance, 4th, first.
    CP Well, Mid., 4th.

    Steam Name: Cpt. Corndog LFT | trade.tf

  7. qandırdım xd: h.d said:

    120 lobbies.780 hours main sniper K/D 1.07…

  8. Mumbles said:

    Hello :)
    I’m an aspiring pyro/medic/heavy main looking to get some competitive experience.
    With 473 hours and 8 lobbies, I’ll try my best to help the team. Wouldn’t mind being a sub.

  9. RoastedMoose said:

    Hey :D
    I main spy I have just under 700hrs in tf2 with about 200hrs on spy, I have played over 50 lobbies and speak English. I am 16 and happy to play!

  10. FofalioX: PN7 said:

    1900 hours and 20 lobbies and I would love to play Soldier. I’m 16 years old and I’m fluent in English.

  11. Per-Cent00: BIRD - BIRD said:

    I main spy, have 800 hrs tf2… nearly 250 hrs on spy… 14 years old, fluent in english, from ireland.
    I also have mumble…

  12. NuMetal said:

    Hi there,

    I have 1200 hours in the game, I played only 5 lobbies so far, I know the roles of all classes, I am good as every class except sniper, to me pub stomping is easiest as Soldier, I live in Germany, I’m fluent in English and I’m 24 years old.

    I’d be very happy if I could join your team!

  13. EroticCornetto said:

    Hi, i’m Netto and I am 20 years old. I would like to apply for the Heavy slot (I am a Heavy main) I have 6500+ hours, i have subbed for a Steel UGC HL team earlier this year. English is my first language, i have excellent comms and an ability to make calls if necessary. I do some TF2Center lobbies from time to time, and have a strong understanding of a Heavy’s role in 9v9. Thanks!