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Sniper  High Skill, Highlander

Germany Nate

Posted: | Last Online:


Looking for a gold or plat team for next ugc season as main sniper.
Add me if interested for further information.

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:897816983 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Left Germany [National Highlander Team] Samus
Left Super Dickmann's KANNONEN! [Highlander] Clark
Joined Super Dickmann's KANNONEN! [Highlander] Clark
Left Feila eSports finanzieren durch [Highlander] Nate
Joined Feila eSports finanzieren durch [Highlander] Leila
Left Super Dickmann's KANNONEN! [Highlander] Nate
Left Indeed REMNANT [6v6] Nate
Joined Indeed REMNANT [6v6] konr
Joined Super Dickmann's KANNONEN! [Highlander] Clark
Left open_squad [Highlander] Nate
Joined open_squad [Highlander] mezzo
Left :elephant: [Highlander] Nate
Joined :elephant: [Highlander] cherryrendezvous
Left Super Dickmann's KANNONEN! [Highlander] Nate
Joined Super Dickmann's KANNONEN! [Highlander] Burn
Left Tourettes Chessclub [Highlander] Nate
Joined Tourettes Chessclub [Highlander] Khazul
Left Super Dickmann's JUNIORS! [Highlander] Nate
Joined Germany [National Highlander Team] MARS^
Joined Super Dickmann's JUNIORS! [Highlander] dqz
Left Germany [National Highlander Team] Lazybear
Left Super Dickmann's JUNIORS! [Highlander] Lazybear
Joined Germany [National Highlander Team] MARS^
Joined Super Dickmann's JUNIORS! [Highlander] dqz
Left Super Dickmann's KANNONEN! [Highlander] Nate
Joined Super Dickmann's KANNONEN! [Highlander] Clark
Left Super Dickmann's JUNIORS! [Highlander] Nate
Joined Super Dickmann's JUNIORS! [Highlander] goMY
Left Super Dickmann's JUNIORS! [Highlander] deathyy
Joined Super Dickmann's JUNIORS! [Highlander] goMY
Left open_squad [Highlander] Nate
Joined open_squad [Highlander] b_fisch
Left a half and a german [6v6] Nate
Joined a half and a german [6v6] Sennaj_Legend
Left open_squad [Highlander] Nate
Left Nurses Of Mediocrity [6v6] nick fillax
Joined open_squad [Highlander] b_fisch
Left ★ Alle Neune [Highlander] Nate
Joined Nurses Of Mediocrity [6v6] Sennaj_Legend
Left Team Infinity [6v6] Nate
Joined Team Infinity [6v6] Sheezer
Joined ★ Alle Neune [Highlander] Sennaj_Legend

Previous Recruitment Posts

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View Prem 4 538
View High 11 501
View High 2 225


  1. Freddy: FRAG said:

    *kills engi*

    “sniper down”

    really solid sniper, 100% suited for a high/plat team, nice person too 8)

  2. Gorzum said:

    I saw this guy play Silver once, he carried his team, Gold minimum.

  3. torrerofranches said:

    This guy is the definition of fucking sandbagging. An amazing, talented sniper.

  4. Brian: (Anti Cheat Staff) - hp said:

    Only played once but was really solid and carried his team badly. Great sniper, can play gold easily.

  5. Nightmare: AVN said:

    Spy mains hate him, why you ask?

    You run amby -> you head shot nate -> he turns around and head shots you, luckily you got your dead ringer up -> you decloak behind the wall -> Nate uses his kukri to bash your head in.

    Repeat step one.

  6. Dave_IR8: SENS said:

    Very good sniper. Especially good at quick-peeking for big picks.

  7. Atzebumm: (ETF2L Donator) - Dr. med. said:

    Great sniper. Can handle plat with ease. Will even carry you.

    Is cancer in mumble though when things dont go well.

  8. Akuma: kevin said:

    Great sniper. Take him into your plat team. He will do well there. Played him a few times tho and he gave me cancer

  9. Akuma: kevin said:

    *bcuz of his snipes ofc

  10. mba god's hand: st said:

    Great sniper

  11. Rainee: R6S said:

    Amazing sniperman! Deserves a solid team.

  12. Zamparonie: MAGDONAL - op_sqd said:

    du hast ein problem ?
    ich hab polizei

  13. denkra: AVN said:

    able to shoot some ppl sometimes