High Skill, Highlander
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Looking for a gold or plat team for next ugc season as main sniper.
Add me if interested for further information.
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*kills engi*
“sniper down”
really solid sniper, 100% suited for a high/plat team, nice person too 8)
I saw this guy play Silver once, he carried his team, Gold minimum.
This guy is the definition of fucking sandbagging. An amazing, talented sniper.
Only played once but was really solid and carried his team badly. Great sniper, can play gold easily.
Spy mains hate him, why you ask?
You run amby -> you head shot nate -> he turns around and head shots you, luckily you got your dead ringer up -> you decloak behind the wall -> Nate uses his kukri to bash your head in.
Repeat step one.
Very good sniper. Especially good at quick-peeking for big picks.
Great sniper. Can handle plat with ease. Will even carry you.
Is cancer in mumble though when things dont go well.
Great sniper. Take him into your plat team. He will do well there. Played him a few times tho and he gave me cancer
*bcuz of his snipes ofc
Great sniper
Amazing sniperman! Deserves a solid team.
du hast ein problem ?
ich hab polizei
able to shoot some ppl sometimes